Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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Larry Smith wrote on Thu, Nov 20, 2008 03:39 PM UTC:
Occasionally, I have offered my modest talents to create Zillions
implementations of a developer's game. Particularly when the game catches
my interest.

But I have found a few which resisted this form of quantification. Whether
because elments of the game exist beyond the playing field(for example,
those games which require referees) or the conditionals were just too
complex(for example, Nemoroth).

But I must admit that simple variations of the Mad Queen do not often
appeal to me. Why? Because I think they are trivial? No. I just find
them often a little boring. This is totally my own problem and should not
be construed as condemnation of those form of play.

But, every now and then, while attempting to implement a particular game I
run into conflict. Usually regarding the aesthetics of the game. My
suggestion to anyone wanting someone else to program their variant is to
either provide graphics up front or accept those which the programmer has
access to. Creating new graphics can be a time-consuming effort.

And I also have an un-written rule. If a developer shows little tolerance
for others, I will not assist in this effort by providing some illusionary
basis to justify their attitude. This has happened before and I've
promised myself not to allow it to happen again.

BTW, I am still trying to implement Nemoroth. I have a file dedicated to
this project. Every now and then I get an idea and try it out. But so far,
I have not accomplished this task. In fact, I might just return to this
project soon. Maybe time has given me a new perspective.