H. G. Muller wrote on Thu, Nov 20, 2008 10:51 PM UTC:
I know that for the unspeakable variant a lot of opening theory already
exists, but I don't trust it, as those who have been playing the Capa
variants seem to have been consistently underestimating the value of the
Archbishop. The Capablanca position, for instance, is often mentioned as
unplayable for black, due to the thereat Axi7, where the A-fork on Ch8 and
Rj8 gains white the 'Unspeakable exchange' , A vs C (often in exchange
for a Pawn elsewhere on the board). Joker80, however, often allows this as
black, as it apparently feels the half-open i-file for its Rook is
sufficient compensation for this 'exchange', which it values close to
zero. IMO this puts any existing opening theory on very shaky grounds.