Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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Kung Fu Chess. Simultaneous movement in chess variant as an action and thinking game.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
hitMonle wrote on Sun, Mar 22, 2009 11:30 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
Kungfuchess had so much potential to connect thousands of online players.
The only problem is that the people who were in charge of it just.. lost
faith for some reason. I'm sure if you take the average chess fan he/she
would surely convert into a KungFuChess fan after playing a game of
regular standard KungfuChess match. Now we'll never know because as of
12/17/2008 an extremely entertaining game(KungFuChess) was taken from us
and as of right now there is no alternative replica and that's a shame
that such a genius concept should die and/or be forgotten.