George Duke wrote on Tue, Dec 8, 2009 07:18 PM UTC:
The rules are well written but just need to be updated for clarifications from the 97 comments over the years. Here are several Rococo puzzles without stress on board positions as in mates-in-three:
(1) Can a piece ever legally move from border corner to border corner, X00 to Z0 or X0 to Z00? What piece or pieces under what circumstance(s)?
(2) What is the maximum number of pieces that may be captured on one move?
(3) Is there any piece that may never move horizontally or vertically along border squares?
(4) What is the theoretical minimum number of moves for a Rococo Pawn to promote?
(5) Describe the quickest possible Rococo Fool's Mate.***
***[Fool's Mate is just problemists' Helpmates from the start of the game. Helpmates were popularized by T.R. Dawson in the 1930s. This would be a good exercise for anyone who has not yet read every rules-set write-up. Namely -- expanding on that theme -- as you read them all, for each of the 4500 CVs of the Chess Variant Page: (a) figure its genuine Fool's-Mate equivalent, and please determine (b) does any of the 4500 CVs require a Fool's Mate of greater than 8 moves? Or 10 moves? Some CVs actually take quite a few, but so many as 10? Hint: think short-range-piece CVs.]