George Duke wrote on Tue, Dec 8, 2009 11:33 PM UTC:
Hybrid of Bobo4 and Rook? Bobo4 has four orientations in Boboll, Boboul,
Bobolr, and Bobour. The key to this hybrid is to ask, what Rook? So you
thought there was only one Rook. Not so. Now Bobo4 is hybrid (not compound)
of Knight and Bishop(scroll back this thread). It doesn't matter which
Bishop. It doesn't matter which Rook either, but you have to deal with
them one at a time. All this will be explained in follow-up if no one does
so first. The object is to specify which board squares comprise the hybrid
Bo-Ro-Ho. ChessboardMath is a specialty many mathematicians would not get
right away. Can a Rook always perform a tour whatever square he starts on,
or does it depend on the (required-)rectangular board size? Instead if Rook has to go directly to an edge, then aren't more board sizes tour-prohibitive from some squares?