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Peng Hu rules for Half Board Xiangqi. Rules for half-board Xiangqi. (8x4, Cells: 32) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
BO XIAN wrote on Thu, Mar 13, 2014 06:31 AM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
I'm the original poster of that article on Peng Hu rules.

It appears to have been changed since I posted it. It states that the Pow
can eat/capture jumping over one piece {correct} and doesn't matter if
piece it's eating is turned over or face up {INCORRECT}. The piece MUST
turned face up to be eaten.

If anyone can help me sign-in again under Bo Xian, I'd appreciate it. I
can't find any reference or PW in my list of such. And I may have changed
emails since logging in originally.

Thanks in advance.
