Kevin Pacey wrote on Tue, Feb 9, 2016 12:03 AM UTC:
Here's another setup position for a possible variant idea I'm playing around with, also posted here so that I can study it at leisure. I was thinking that the (mann-like) pieces would move as in my 5*4DChess variant, and the pawns would move as in Tess Chess. The main idea would be to hope for better chances of a relatively early mate (perhaps even sooner than say Tess Chess might allow), or to hope for at least a relatively shorter game than other 4D variants might allow.
[edit: I've since rejected submitting this idea for a variant (it might have been called "Open King 5*4D Chess"), since it scores poorly in my estimation on allowing a variety of piece type exchanges, due to a lack of 'minor pieces'. In particular, there's no way to evenly trade a piece for a small number of pawns, kind of like as in a pure major piece chess middlegame. Plus, kings can only legally attack pawns, kind of like as in a pure queen endgame in chess. Perhaps someone else can do something with this sort of idea for a variant, though, or they may like it as it is anyway.] [edit2: I'm finding myself revisiting this idea now & then]:
Here's another setup position for a possible variant idea I'm playing around with, also posted here so that I can study it at leisure. I was thinking that the (mann-like) pieces would move as in my 5*4DChess variant, and the pawns would move as in Tess Chess. The main idea would be to hope for better chances of a relatively early mate (perhaps even sooner than say Tess Chess might allow), or to hope for at least a relatively shorter game than other 4D variants might allow.
[edit: I've since rejected submitting this idea for a variant (it might have been called "Open King 5*4D Chess"), since it scores poorly in my estimation on allowing a variety of piece type exchanges, due to a lack of 'minor pieces'. In particular, there's no way to evenly trade a piece for a small number of pawns, kind of like as in a pure major piece chess middlegame. Plus, kings can only legally attack pawns, kind of like as in a pure queen endgame in chess. Perhaps someone else can do something with this sort of idea for a variant, though, or they may like it as it is anyway.] [edit2: I'm finding myself revisiting this idea now & then]: