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<P>So that I don't interfere with people playing Grotesque Chess, I have been trying things with <A HREF="http://play.chessvariants.com/jocly/univers.html">Univers Chess</A>, which has the same castling rule.</P>
<P>Setting castle to {} and removing "castle: true," from the Rook's definition both completely disabled castling. Removing castling moves from extraCastle would eliminate the duplication, but it would leave the game with two different methods for castling. My aim is to use the same method of castling for all castling moves.</P>
<P>Looking at the base model for Chess, it looked like Model.Board.cbGeneratePseudoLegalMoves would be a suitable method to modify, but simply including it in the custom model without any modification has the effect of disabling all moves. To check whether the code I got from the Jocly Game Inspector was up-to-date, I used Firebug to look at the code it loaded from the base model, and nothing was different. </P>
<P>As a further test, I copied Model.Board.cbApplyCastle into my custom model, and it didn't hurt anything.</P>