Kevin Pacey wrote on Tue, Feb 14, 2017 12:51 AM EST:
My knowledge of how to post diagrams is limited, as well as my ability to explain computer stuff, but I'll try. In the case of my previous post (for example), I used the Diagram Designer that can be accessed on The Chess Variant Pages website (it's given under the main alphabetical index, for instance). After I made my diagram using the Diagram Designer, I copied the string for my diagram where that's indicated to do so by the Diagram Desiner, and next I pasted it into my freshly created comment to-be-posted on CVP (in another window I opened up).
Note this doesn't seem to work perfectly for such a Comment, i.e. I had to first post it, then I went back and edited it in order to edit out some unwanted symbols in the text for my diagram that the Comment editing system currently inserts first time around (for some reason). For example, I substituted a " for the word 'quote' (which has also some unwanted other symbol[s] around it) that precedes and ends my Diagram Designer string.
To try to be more clear, I made sure I wasn't editing out any necessary symbols by checking the Diagram Designer's string for my diagram (I had it in a seperate window still), so that I ended up with just [p]diagram designer string[/p] after editing (but note that I'm substituting '[ ]' for '< >' just now, so that it the 'p' will show in this post).
My knowledge of how to post diagrams is limited, as well as my ability to explain computer stuff, but I'll try. In the case of my previous post (for example), I used the Diagram Designer that can be accessed on The Chess Variant Pages website (it's given under the main alphabetical index, for instance). After I made my diagram using the Diagram Designer, I copied the string for my diagram where that's indicated to do so by the Diagram Desiner, and next I pasted it into my freshly created comment to-be-posted on CVP (in another window I opened up).
Note this doesn't seem to work perfectly for such a Comment, i.e. I had to first post it, then I went back and edited it in order to edit out some unwanted symbols in the text for my diagram that the Comment editing system currently inserts first time around (for some reason). For example, I substituted a " for the word 'quote' (which has also some unwanted other symbol[s] around it) that precedes and ends my Diagram Designer string.
To try to be more clear, I made sure I wasn't editing out any necessary symbols by checking the Diagram Designer's string for my diagram (I had it in a seperate window still), so that I ended up with just [p]diagram designer string[/p] after editing (but note that I'm substituting '[ ]' for '< >' just now, so that it the 'p' will show in this post).
Hope that helps.