Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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Chess and a Half. Game with extra leapers.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝sirius628 wrote on Sun, Jul 16, 2017 06:35 PM UTC:

Wouldn't work with a shogi engine. With shogi, you could have three different piece types. A "left pawn", which promotes to say a knight, a "right pawn", which promotes to perhaps a queen, and a center pawn, which promotes to a cat. Promotion based on it's ending file wouldn't. Let's say an a, b, c or d-pawn becomes a locked promotion of knight, and an e, f, g, or h-pawn becomes cat. Now, imagine a white pawn on d11. Then, imagine that d12 is empty, and e12 has a black rook on it. If it moves straight to d12, it promotes to knight, but if it captures the rook, it is now an e-pawn, which should promote to cat. But it is already set to promote to knight, and can't change its identity. With the tamerlane chess system, this doesn't matter, as its promotion square is irrelevant to the end result. But with the grant acedrex system, it must promote to cat, but since it started on the d-file, it must promote to knight. Those contradict eachother. TLDR: The grant acedrex system doesn't work with shogi pieces.