Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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Caïssa Britannia. British themed variant with Lions, Unicorns, Dragons, Anglican Bishops, and a royal Queen. (10x10, Cells: 100) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Charles Gilman wrote on Sat, Jun 14, 2003 07:45 AM UTC:
Your idea here of applying en passant to the highest piece as well as the
lowest has given me an even more radical idea. How would Tout En Passant
Chess, a variant on which all pieces can check or capture all enemy pieces
in this manner, play? Presumably it would work best with a simple array of
familiar pieces - the standard one perhaps, or the Bachelor Chess one with
the King extended (see small variants). I would not suggest combining it
with the array shown here!
	This is a good opportunity to tidy up my previous postings here. To sum
up, the name of your Anglican Bishop is odd because the standard Bishop
would be assumed Anglican in most of the English-speaking world, and the
only Catholic-majority language calling the piece a Bishop is Portuguese.
The translation of the Japanese name as Anglemover also suggests
Anglicanism, as the denomination's name derives via England and Anglia
from a tribe called the Angles.