Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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Taikyoku Shogi. Extremely large shogi variant. (36x36, Cells: 1296) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Mark Thompson wrote on Mon, Jun 16, 2003 01:31 AM UTC:
This game is played not by individuals, but by two competing monasteries,
deep in the Pazomian hills, where monks devote their lives to the study 
of Shogi and its variants. The first (and so far, the only) game was
started over 600 years ago, and each monastery has been making two moves a
year (with interruptions for crises such as famines and wars); one delivers
its moves on the equinoxes, the other, on the solstices. Books have been
written analyzing the status of the game; novices study the thinking of 
the players who have gone before them for years before their opinions are
sought for current moves. Most experts feel that they are nearly finished
with the opening now.

Anyway, it's a nice legend, I think. Course, I did make it up myself.