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Hexagonal Chess Notation. Article discussing Hexagonal Chess notation.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Kevin Pacey wrote on Thu, Feb 21, 2019 12:41 AM UTC:

@ H.G. (and everyone): Thanks. It might be useful for contributors to have the instructions on how to write a CVP article linked to somehow from the CVP main page, rather than them gradually getting buried in the Comments section. Either that, or, better yet, have a 'Do you wish to submit an article' question posed in the general submission form that pops up normally when you wish to post your own game (or a preset page, etc.).

@ Ben (and everyone): Thanks. I had thought of the 'Updated' symbol as perhaps yet one more icon in the database, but I didn't know. At this point, though, I'd like to point out that whenever I have modified one of my Rules Pages for an invention of mine, it never shows a note at the bottom afterwards saying that I have modified my submission, and hence I get no 'Updated' symbol (nor showing on the What's New page is my submission icon, as a newly 'updated' item) as a result, it seems.

@ Fergus: (and everyone): Thanks. In looking at Tim O'Lena's old review of McCooey's Hexagonal Chess, it's rather long, and perhaps is not suitable for posting as an ordinary review/comment. It's more like as if it was a special review made by someone who really knew the topic (he posted links); perhaps there could still be a place for special review pages, as opposed to review comments by the average poster who may not have sought editorial approval as perhaps Tim did (I don't know). In any case, to do the sort of review Tim posted would I think now be best to do as an Article, if special review pages are no longer to be allowed to be submitted on CVP all the same.

Tim indicated much about the strategy of the game in question, which is perhaps beyond what a normal review would be, but rather it might have made for an Article instead nowadays (e.g. compare that there's an Article or two on Kriegspiel in the database, already). I'm running out of gas as far as fresh game invention ideas are concerned, and I'm toying with the idea of looking for other ways to contribute later on (hence looking at 'Items'/icons list could help rule things in or out faster). There is an old CVP Page called `How can I help` linked to somewhere, but it is now in an obscure place, and does not mention submitting e.g. Articles.

For possible future Article(s) by myself, I'm thinking about the idea of discussing strategies for a given CV(s), if I feel I'm sufficiently skilled at them to give such advice one day. Ironically I'm a chess master, which is not quite strong enough to give great chess strategy advice in print for beyond a certain level, but for little-tested CVs a certain amount of my chess skill may carry over, more usefully perhaps. Regardless, I'm not quite sure what's hoped for by editor(s) when writing a CVP Article. Maybe a policy statement about Articles could be linked to from the CVP Main Page, eventually.