Yes, sorry. I mixed up Skip-Bishop with Slip-Bishop (George Jeliss' All-the-King's-Men terminology). The former indeed is synonymous with Alfilrider AA. Then jAA could be the latter. The only way to describe that now would be to decompose it as a number of (partially) lame leaps, like you can do with any rider: FafmpafFafmpafafmpafF..., with alternating mp and (default) m legs to ignore or test for emptiness all squares on the path
Yes, sorry. I mixed up Skip-Bishop with Slip-Bishop (George Jeliss' All-the-King's-Men terminology). The former indeed is synonymous with Alfilrider AA. Then jAA could be the latter. The only way to describe that now would be to decompose it as a number of (partially) lame leaps, like you can do with any rider: FafmpafFafmpafafmpafF..., with alternating mp and (default) m legs to ignore or test for emptiness all squares on the path