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Check out Janggi (Korean Chess), our featured variant for December, 2024.
Check out Janggi (Korean Chess), our featured variant for December, 2024.
Responding roughly in order:
Chancellor: Ah, OK -- the Rook/Knight icon. I'll switch that up.
Princess: Use the Bishop/Knight icon for that. Got it.
I'll go change both of those ASAP. I trust those are the only incorrect icons on the board?
Archer: HG: That is indeed a much better wording. Thank you! Jean-Louis: In XBetza, [crM] indicates capture without moving. The applet (thank you very much for that!) can give me a mnB2cN for most of the listing; I'd have to change the c to [crM] to make it mnB2[crM]N. Similarly, I can get mRcNcZ for the Tank's alternative, but I have to manually make it mR[crM]N[crM]Z to indicate non-moving captures. (Also, I'm thinking of adding [crM]C.)
Lion: The lion can simply move one space (unless, of course, that space is occupied by a friendly piece). Basically, it moves like a King, but can then take a second turn. (I think I should also note in the text description that, unless it's surrounded, it can move to an adjacent square and back, effectively becoming a Pass.) I don't want it to be able to jump, though. Would that make it KmcaK?
Lancer: What I'm proposing, I think, would be notated as mDYcnDcnAcnHcnG.
side note: You guys are definitely making this a better game.