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Jocly. An html-based web platform for playing 2-player abstract stategy games.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
H. G. Muller wrote on Mon, Jan 8, 2024 11:02 AM UTC in reply to François Houdebert from 08:32 AM:

Jean-Louis tested here :

Well, it appears that this contains a very obsolete cbMoveMidZ, (from more than 3 versions ago), which never worked. It uses a forEach to loop through the piece types, and apparently that doesn't work on an object. So in the first working version I replaced it by a for(in). Strangest thing is that the version with forEach is not in git; the very first commit for cbMoveMidZ already uses the for(in).

BTW, about piece naming:

'Squirle' is not the correct English spelling for Squirrel.

There are already two spellings around for the Griffon / Gryphon. Let us not add to the confusion by now also introducing Griffin...

Wouldn't it be better to call the Huscarl just an Axe? Huscarl is not a widely-known word. I had to look it up, and it is not something that I would think of if I needed a piece that looked like an axe.