I am not so keen on upside-down western pieces; there is no need for it, as they are already distinguished by color. And is not compatible with board flipping ('View as player B'), because it is then the other player that should be flipped. (This is of course also a problem with kanji pieces, but why export problems if there is no need?) And the generals are not flipped anyway.
If I promote a piece, the dialog that pops up still shows the kanji even in western mode.
Nice to have it, BUT:
I am not so keen on upside-down western pieces; there is no need for it, as they are already distinguished by color. And is not compatible with board flipping ('View as player B'), because it is then the other player that should be flipped. (This is of course also a problem with kanji pieces, but why export problems if there is no need?) And the generals are not flipped anyway.
If I promote a piece, the dialog that pops up still shows the kanji even in western mode.