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Butterfly Chess. Large board chess with butterflies (not Ns), advancers (not Qs) & flying dragons added. (10x10, Cells: 100) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝Kevin Pacey wrote on Thu, Jan 11, 2024 01:21 AM UTC in reply to Kevin Pacey from Wed Jan 10 09:11 PM:

A coincidence? Carlos Cetina's Cetran Chess 3 Applet generated preset (linked to from his Cetran Chess 2 Rules Page) also uses 'White Blue' instead of 'White Black' for the 'Sides', as can be seen when viewed in edit mode for that. Oddly(?) Carlos' non-rules enforcing preset1 for Hexajedrez uses 'White Black' (the default colours for 'Sides' in edit mode, left unchanged - the second player's army in that preset is Blue with the Piece Set selected).

[edit:Note that editor Ben made a rules enforcing preset for Raumschach, that used a Blue army for the second player, and he left the 'Sides' as 'White Black' in the preset's edit mode - however, he did not use the Applet to generate the preset.]

edit2: Looks like my theory may be dashed - Vitya Makov made a Rules enforcing preset generated by the Applet: Cool Camels vs. Fabulous FIDEs. The Piece Set has the second player with a Blue army, and Vitya left the 'Sides' as 'White Black' in edit mode. Works okay in Move mode, at the least. The only caveat might be that in edit mode, the blue army shows up correctly, in spite of a complex Game Courier FEN including {} bracketing for 2+ letter long abbreviations for many of the Black piece types (White being FIDE army using just one letter per standard piece type).

[edit3: My theory looks dashed now - arx (Daniel Zacharias) made an Applet generated rules enforcing preset for Tigrey, with second player having Blue army - arx left 'Sides' as 'White Black' in edit mode - also in that mode, some of the pieces don't show up properly (black circles), in spite of (apparently Applet generated) one letter symbols representing all pieces in the FEN. That preset seems to work, in Move mode at the least.]