The setup image you've chosen to show in your link has nice board colours IMHO, though I see you omitted the board's GC board border notation portion (which may make any board image arguably less aesthetic, too). I chose my board's colours simply because I copied someone else's game board info, that used the GC standard/default board colour scheme, when making a Settings File and rules page. I have also already used that scheme for my previously published PBM page's preset's board for this variant, as well. Thus unfortunately it might take some work to undo all that, then redo it. It also could be argued I should do it for all my other CVs' diagrams that use standard colours, I suppose.
Thanks for the review, Lev.
The setup image you've chosen to show in your link has nice board colours IMHO, though I see you omitted the board's GC board border notation portion (which may make any board image arguably less aesthetic, too). I chose my board's colours simply because I copied someone else's game board info, that used the GC standard/default board colour scheme, when making a Settings File and rules page. I have also already used that scheme for my previously published PBM page's preset's board for this variant, as well. Thus unfortunately it might take some work to undo all that, then redo it. It also could be argued I should do it for all my other CVs' diagrams that use standard colours, I suppose.