This i find a very good idea, 31 new symbols, but we could also use the lowercases for 31 new symbols for modifiers, like the different i's for different cases of initial, so that ii is not needed, for I maybe we could use different Imitators.
Examples of what I personally might assign to those letters include Ø as a null move, Þ for a Rose, Ñ for Quintessence, and Ê for Edgehog.
I like these ideas, outside of Rose, since they couldn't be (easily) written otherwise, we could do like ê as the Edge-Modifier (and possibly ë as the Limited Edge-Modifier). We'd also may need a symbol for relative halfling, i originally thought a lone h, but maybe one of these Windows-1252 symbols works better
This i find a very good idea, 31 new symbols, but we could also use the lowercases for 31 new symbols for modifiers, like the different i's for different cases of initial, so that ii is not needed, for I maybe we could use different Imitators.
I like these ideas, outside of Rose, since they couldn't be (easily) written otherwise, we could do like ê as the Edge-Modifier (and possibly ë as the Limited Edge-Modifier). We'd also may need a symbol for relative halfling, i originally thought a lone h, but maybe one of these Windows-1252 symbols works better