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Minishogi Gold and Silver / 5五将棋 金銀. Super-aggressive version of Minishogi on a 5x5 board. (5x5, Cells: 25) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝Вадря Покштя wrote on Fri, Aug 16, 2024 03:08 PM UTC:

I hope it doesn't take as long as with my Vivarta Chess. Let me remind you that my Vivart Chess submission was considered for almost three years. However, here, Minishogi Gold and Silver / 5五将棋金銀 is already recognized by Japanese masters as a separate variant of Minishogi. I have to give a link to Japanese sources where this version of my Minishogi was published, which, of course, is not entirely suitable for the English-speaking public. I would like to be able to redirect interested players to this resource, where everything would be clear and understandable for them. Let me repeat it again: My submission is ready for publication.