I am not sure why you crossed out your question. Did you already solve it, or was it no longer of interest?
Anyway, the Diagram could not do that through standard configuring, but with the aid of some simple scripting it should be doable. A routine xxxTinker could be embedded to veto moves that occupancy of some other square would block. I am not sure that would be enough to do the variant you mention; that depends on whether this is a single-move variant or not. If during a turn you could both move a selector and a normal piece, I don't think the Diagram's AI could handle it.
I am not sure why you crossed out your question. Did you already solve it, or was it no longer of interest?
Anyway, the Diagram could not do that through standard configuring, but with the aid of some simple scripting it should be doable. A routine xxxTinker could be embedded to veto moves that occupancy of some other square would block. I am not sure that would be enough to do the variant you mention; that depends on whether this is a single-move variant or not. If during a turn you could both move a selector and a normal piece, I don't think the Diagram's AI could handle it.