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Capablanca's chess. An enlarged chess variant, proposed by Capablanca. (10x8, Cells: 80) (Recognized!)[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Reinhard Scharnagl wrote on Sun, Nov 28, 2004 04:40 PM UTC:
Hi! So see me astonished, I have not thought on such a congruency. If you
would have inspected my homsite, you would have detected
that proposal much earlier. But I think, that it should be a better place
here to introduce and discuss that proposal than at a private hompage.

You try to motivate also to include Janus chess somehow within that
proposal. If you would have noticed in my current Smirf program beta,
Janus chess is included in that fine 10x8 and 8x8 aware program. But I
have to learn, that there are some incompatibilities, which force to
exclude Janus from that ramdom idea: a) the notation for castling is
reversed, b) the usage of 'J' instead of 'A' in FEN and encoded moves,
c) the need to also encode the inverted castling by preceeding the castling
block within FEN with an 's' for 'symmetric'. 

If you would spend some time in watching the Smirf program approach you
would notice such interesting things like that it supports all capablanca
based positions (and even CRC or Janus chess) and a PGN load and save of
played games.

Regards, Reinhard.