Robert Fischer wrote on Mon, Nov 29, 2004 04:24 PM UTC:
With all due respect ...
I cannot yet find a *.zrf which plays 'Capablanca Random Chess' or
'FullChess' available upon major chess variant outlets such as Zillions
Of Games or The Chess Variant Pages. [Incidentally, a *.zrf which plays
'Fischer Random Chess' is available to use as a pattern.]
Short of owning a physical board game enabling its play (which in fact
be purchased as a 'Gothic Chess' set), gameplayers who own the Zillions
program must have a means of conveniently experiencing this 'game which
includes many permutations'.
I would strongly recommend, however, that EVERY single,
comparatively-symmetrical permutation be thoroughly tested and analyzed
eliminate ALL flawed formations (including irrefutable, quick checkmates,
unstable defenses or decisive advantages to the player with the first
move of the game [white]) as well as eliminate ALL undesirable formations
(complicated, game-specific preferences agreed to by a consensus of
knowledgeable players).
Only after all of this intensive groundwork is accomplished should the
game be released since it would be terribly inconsiderate to subject many
players to ANY worthless and undesirable permutations (which I suspect
comprise the vast majority of those theoretically available).
I wish you all of the best in your worthwhile yet formidable endeavor.