Comments/Ratings for a Single Item
Hello, George. I've been thinking about commenting for a few days now, and think I have organized my thoughts sufficiently to say what I mean without much fear of misinterpretation. First, this is a good title, I hope [and expect] the discussions on this topic will live up to high expectations. If everyone excersizes a little thought and care [and some restraint], we should do quite well. Second, I'm glad you realize that although I believe the next evolution of chess will be toward augmented linear sliders [I figure at least 2:1 odds on that, and probably a fair bit higher], I personally do not like that direction, and would wish to see something different. I do think that Gary [with BW and RF], you [with B-moa and R-mao], or Carrera [with NB and NR] will have the last word on the next official change. Third, you are right and wrong in your assumption that I didn't read your 91.5...Variants before posting my reply. I read it when you first posted it, and skimmed it during the initial discussion. I did not read it directly before my last post on that topic. But after I saw your follow-up comment, I read it again. I understand exactly what you're saying there; I did the same sort of thing with TooLarge. My conclusion stands unchanged. I believe it is statistically 'unlikely' that 91.5 trillion possible combos of pieces and setups will all be good games - there are going to be lots of dogs in there. There will be trillions of cases where pieces and placements will be mismatched to the extent they damage the game. There will be trillions of cases where they won't be mismatched, too. Fourth, I did presets and started roughing out rules for my recent suggestion[s] for 8x8. The URLs are: for the rough rules - still rough and it'll take me a bit before I can clean them up [though, as it's a wiki, others could participate]. The 2 presets [ShortChess and Falcon King Chess]are: [] []
'This game has been independently invented several times.'--page 1, David Pritchard's ECV 1994. A new dimension of Proliferation is the doctrine of re-inventing the wheel of JJoyce. He has enunciated his doctrine for a year and welcome him to explain it here. It says that proponents of proliferation may re-create as their own prior-existing forms. Thus, 'prolificists' are not liable for finding relevant prior art. The doctrine has precedent in earlier CV 're-inventions'. Fischer Random Chess(1990's) is nothing but a revival of Baseline Chess and Randomized Ch., types around since early 19th C. FRC is the 10th or 20th reincarnation otherwise including Free Ch. and Permutation Ch. also. Another example, Chessgi, named by Ralph Betza, actually dates to year 1827. Peter Aronson says that he found Jumping Chess, or close types to it, have appeared frequently not much different. The Page 1 (no less) reference above of ECV is about Absorption Chess, under letter A, an immediate theme running through 1994 ECV. Prolificists now loosen standards further to avoid study of others' work and go on with their cranking out endless initial arrays. Several attempts met with resistance to look at 'Proliferation' in years 2004-2005. Re-inventions are just one part of it: the pointless so-called designing of starting set-ups one after another ad infinitum.
Since I am cast in the role of Proliferator-in-Chief, partly because I often use sloppy language and am at times obscure from expressing a rather strange sense of humor, but also because I very much do favor a totally free expression of ideas in design, I will do my best to uphold my end of the argument. That's 'argument' in the sense of debate, of discussing an issue in terms of pro and con, not in the sense of antagonism. With the stage set for the opening act, let's briefly introduce the principals. I have been a boardgamer, all but exclusively a wargamer, for over 45 years. I enjoy playing rather complicated games, and I very much enjoy game design [this means I haven't made any money at it]. Three years ago, I found this site, discovered chess variants, and found they are a truly wonderful medium for game design. But I approach variants from the aspect of a wargamer [and wargame designer], not from the perspective of a chessplayer. George has stated he's been involved in chess variants for decades [I believe the earliest date he mentioned I recall is 1985.] He is, from what I see, the proponent of a 'two-track' system of design. One track is light, even frivolous, design, where some fairly small number of games are made and played just for fun. The other is serious, and is basically an investigation into the way[s] FIDE can be modified [as little as possible] to take it out of the hands of the computers and put it back into the hands of the grandmasters. He personally knows a great amount of history and was closely involved in the growth and development of the original chessvariants community. I'll end this post here, asking George to make any additions, deletions, or corrections he deems proper.
In this debate, I'll attempt to take up George's points reasonably systematically and give coherent answers. His first statement is: 'It [the re-invention of the wheel concept] says that proponents of proliferation may re-create as their own prior-existing forms.' I find this a somewhat leading statement, but after some consideration, I will accept it as the most radical expression of my opinion. I will rely heavily on my own small body of design work, such as it is, for several reasons. [Ego, for instance.] By referring primarily to my own work, I'm not dragging anyone else into a discussion they may well not want to be in. I have a far better grasp of the reasons and thinking behind my own work than anyone else's, and am far less likely to distort or in some way misrepresent that background. And I believe I have [created] some concrete examples of the proliferation George is referencing. Part I: Hyperchess/Chesseract/Sphinx Chess My first design was Hyperchess, a 4D variant. This was not a re-creation, but a totally independent creation that sprang from an attempt to better understand the 4th [spatial] dimension while I was a college student. I hand-drew a simple piece of '4D' graph paper, then, while studying its properties, thought it would make a great chess board. An initial game followed, revised off and on over the years. Four decades later, my son got me online, and I found Jim Aikin's Chesseract, using the same board, a very similar knight, and the same general principles, but still a totally different game, and much more complex. I also found the CV site. I'd been finishing up the game, managing to solve the slippery king problem after roughly a year of trying, and got it posted. The first comment the game got was from LLSmith, who compared it to VRParton's Sphinx Chess, a game almost identical to mine. To that point, I'd never heard of VRParton or Sphinx Chess. Had I known of Mssrs Aikin and Parton's games before I started/finished my version, I may not have posted it*, and very likely would never have solved the slippery king problem. I will be most immodest here, and say that my version is better than the other two. I believe I independently invented a better wheel here. As it's a 4D game, few will care how good it may be, but I invite all to compare the games and comment if they so choose. *That was the first 'lost chance to reduce proliferation'.
Thanks, are there war games at all in this page since your next but last Comment mentions war games? Chess-Battle would not be a war game as well as a Chess game? Just asking for simple clarification. I went to a gamers' convention a few years ago that was mostly war games, so I sort of understand and have an opinion whether there can be a hybrid Chess-Wargame. I notice prolificists tend to review their own productions and not Comment, analyze or rate others' much. Don't get me wrong, I like to listen myself; but others especially relative newcomers might want your expert perspective on other material. How do you like Chess-Battle? Or would you consider that a trick question to evade? Just a quick look-see and Comment on Chess-Battle, an old Russian game none of us have a stake in, might find some common ground. Thanks and will be getting to your CVs, you know, with so much material I have not finished appraising one single JJoyce CV yet. We do not have to stay strictly on topic, 'Proliferation(and the senselessness of it: a guide for new readers)', but agree with JJoyce, since it's a debate, to be systematic, after this Comment.
click link (top of page), go to The Chess Variant Pages (2008 EDIT: the Search feature is now working) Under Other chess variants:, Wargames And Hierarchical Games will lead to Kriegspiel and 30 other games.
'It [the re-invention of the wheel concept] says that proponents of proliferation may re-create as their own prior-existing forms.' Part II: Shatranj My first 'successful' design was accidental. During a game of shatranj with RLavieri, we began discussing the 'shortcomings' of some of the pieces. I said I thought the game would be much better if the alfils also had a ferz move and the general also had a wazir move. DPaulowich was following the game [Tournament II] and made a kibbitz comment that encouraged me to write up my extremely minor changes with promotion rules and submit that as a variant, to my mind a very modest one. Well, I did [and there went the second lost opportunity to cut way back on proliferation - but don't blame David, it's my fault] and it was well-received [that means people actually played it, unlike my 4D designs]. This was the start of my examination of shatranj - the game, not the history. Step by step, I gained a better understanding of the 'original' chess pieces/piece-types. I continually invented and re-invented shatranj as an ever-longer series of games, and with the reasonably successful ShortRange Project as good evidence, I believe it can be truthfully said I have made shatranj my own in a totally unique way. [Told ya ego was in there.] This is an opinion [as everything expressed here], and as such, it is only as good as its backers. Again, I invite comments, good, bad, or ugly, from all who wish to express them. But I hope to have nudged the field of chess variants toward a better appreciation of shatranj and its possibilities.
Oops! Well, George, I've been rather busy today, so didn't see your last post until well after I added mine. I'll take up your comments in rather haphazard order. I just ran through the short list of my comments, and found I'd commented on about 50 or so different items by others; mostly games, but a few pieces, ideas, and other things. Every actual rating [noticeably less than 50] has been good or excellent. I'd guess 80% or more of my comments have been positive; I don't like to tell people I don't like their creations. I've also made comments in private emails, instant messages, and with game moves. But I do talk a lot about my stuff, and use it very heavily for examples. I gave some good [in my opinion] reasons for this a couple posts ago. [Also, I don't like to discourage people.] However, if someone should give me permission here, I'd discuss their work where I could. Chess Battle; heck, I may just surprise you here. I am very conservative in my approach to chess variants. Personally, I don't like rifle capture, pieces that are invulnerable to all or most enemy pieces, and gimmicky pieces like planes. I also don't much like mamras, wusses, or anti-kings. SO right off the top, I think it is a poor game. However, been wrong before, will be again, so would have to play the game before I could rate it anything, since I can't give it a default 'good'. Because I don't like something doesn't mean it's not a good idea. I will, quite likely, design things that will use one or more of the 6 pieces I just panned, assuming I think the design is good. Kriegspeil I find to be good, though I've never played it - I like the idea a lot. Most of the 'wargame' variants I looked at tonight, I did not like. But I am working on wargame variants of my own. I just want them to be obviously chess variant simulations of wargames [unless they play very well].
Are many of the following points true? Hard to tell. (1)Prolificists(15+CVs), when they rate others' CVs do not evaluate, and when they evaluate do not rate. (2)Prolificists are almost exclusively from USA and UK (recurrently in objective, scientific worldwide opinion polls the two 'overseer', or aggressor, nations) (3)Prolificists' own game write-ups are longer than average the more space for interesting annotations. (4)Despite their engagement in the field, Prolificists have less knowledge of Chess history and CV precedent, for the time they put into it, than Inventors who claim 1 or 2 CV novelties. (Example: Historical expert John Ayer has no own Inventions) (5)Prolificists actually play their own games less than average. (6)Prolificists' Rules write-ups tend to fall at extreme either very complete or very sketchy. (For ex., RBetza either gets carried away in detail or offhandedly describes in one sentence an alternate) (7) Prolificists are nowhere welcome except at Chess Variant Page. (8) Prolificists are especially unwelcome at Xiangqi or Shogi websites, since there is no corresponding obsession of their adherents to toy and tinker their Rules ad infinitum. (Suppose we do it for them)
(9) There is no corresponding addiction either on the part of Scrabble-tm enthusiasts, or Monopoly-tm, or Bridge, or Checkers, or Mahjong, or Diplomacy, or Bowling, Badminton, Baseball. (10) Take the last one, Baseball. What aficionados would welcome 3000 BVs, Baseball Variants? In combination, 100 feet(bases), 10 innings, 10 players, 10 hours(games), 10 seconds(pitch), 1.0 kilo(bat). (instead of 90 feet, 9 innings, 9 players etc.) A variant 'double run' scored might take, let's see, running from home to second then to first to third to home. 2 runs(points) not 1! Hey Ralph Betza, viva free expression.
David, I quote: 'Talking about chess variants is more complicated than playing them!' Not against you! And welcome to the ranks of the proliferationists - I counted, you've got 15 listed games. George, you're light-years ahead of me in this discussion. Your point 9 - on Monopoly - almost everyone I know who played Monopoly had some variant they preferred to play - paying some money to the 'Free Parking' square, so whoever landed directly on it would get that $$$; borrowing money from other players, selling back a hotel or a house or two to the bank, not mortgaging; double payday for landing directly on 'Go'; changing the initial requirement of having 1 property on all 4 sides of the board before you can buy any others... I have a diplomacy board where the largest area in Russia is split in half, and a city is added to one of the halves, modifying the game for 4 players to play 2 countries each - positions of a player's 2 countries determined by handicapping the players. Baseball - the pitcher's mound has been raised and lowered, the distances have been adjusted between the bases, I believe [not recently] and to the mound. Ball and bat weights and compositions have been changed, as has the strike zone. In fact, each umpire has his/her own strike zone, and the pros play to those zones. As people get bigger, stronger, faster. and quicker, these things will change again. Yes, these changes are minor, but they go on all the time - ditto football, basketball...
In going through the entire list of contributors to this site, I found 22 people who qualify as prolific, having posted 15 or more games. As far as I can tell, roughly half are from the US, the others primarily European. There are some others who will become prolific soon, unless circumstances prevent it, notably Abdul-Rahman Sibahi [Saudi Arabia] and Graeme Neatham [UK]. Countries are listed where I could do so. My apologies for anyone left out. Adrian Alvarez de la Campa ? Peter Aronson US? Christine Bagley-Jones Australia Ralph Betza US? (zzo38)A. Black ? Fergus Duniho US Gary K. Gifford US Charles Gilman UK Jeremy Gabriel Good US David Howe US Joe Joyce US Roberto Lavieri Venezuela Jared B. McComb US? A. Missoum ? Joao Pedro Neto Portugal? Vernon Rylands Parton UK David Paulowich Canada David Short US? Sergey Sirotkin ? Larry L. Smith US M. Winther Sweden? Namik Zade ?
Or there are an intermediate category and complication. MWinther groups almost all his CVs together as 'Bifurcation pieces', like 'FC91.5...' does group related forms together, so MWinther's belongs more within not willful 'Proliferation' category but another, call it 'Methodical Multiform', as the sheer number is not the whole point. (All your ? at 'US?' can be removed I think: Aronson, Short, McComb, Betza all US. Interesting list.)
George Duke wrote in his 2004-09-24 Grotesque Chess comment: 'In effect David Paulowich has invented or covered in his Carrera Chess comment 21.9.04 all the possible arrays by 'Carrera Random Chess' and its obvious extrapolations.'
So my personal chess variants count may exceed 700,000. See this PBM Game Log for the rules of Pairwise Drop Chess (in the Kibbitz comments). See Victorian Chess for my recent comments on CapaChess history.
Editor Joe Joyce made the most comments and did the most work in this 2007 thread. It was classic discussion. Joyce stated, ''I found 22 people who qualify as prolific, having posted 15 or more games.'' Developments since include my ''91.5 Trillion..'' Comments' creating all of 10^50 CVs by way of taking Mutators in combinations of no more than 32 at a time. Also, current year 2008 sees increasing characterization of what prolificist CVers do as artwork, artistry, aesthetic art-forms and as such not major art like sculpture or painting, but minor like orthogonal basketweaving or needlepointing. The conservative viewpoint, held by millions in the majority, would be that only one Chess as Game, Sport and Science -- or 10, 20 distinct variations of it -- would ever be accepted at a time as expressive of the zeitgeist, and worthy of full scientific and mathematical treatment. David Pritchard holds to that, saying disparagingly in Intro ''most CVs should be consigned to oblivion.'' H.J.R. Murray holds to that, scoffing, ''Of the making of these games, there can be no end.''
I'd originally started a comment, on a related topic, last Friday, but a thunderstorm fried my internet connections. Courtesy of a borrowed laptop, I can take up this subject of proliferation again, in a courteous way. I first wish to say that this topic is cross-threaded with a few others, so one would need to read through a few threads from that time Mr. Duke refers to in the last post here, to understand everything we were and are discussing. Secondly, I wholeheartedly agree with Mr. Smith that this is a place for proliferation. In fact, it's *the* place for experimentation with all forms of chess and chesslike games, and even not so chesslike. Now, would Mr. Duke like me to censor the things that come to the CVPages? [Hmmph. I would suspect that it's rather fortunate for some that I am not the censoring type. ;-) ] What sorts of things should I remove? Lol! Everyone, including me, has candidates I should remove. But you don't burn the books in the library because there are too many, or even some you don't like. You categorize and catalog them. Then you can easily find the ones you will tend to like, and avoid those you probably will hate. What we really need is a good librarian-variantist to organize this site. Do chess variants form classes? If so, what are they? Are new, or any, classes appearing now, at this time? Can we foresee new kinds of games/variants? Or should we stop looking? :-)
Another thing to keep in mind is that even a 'bad example' is still an example. Bad ideas can be used to build better ones. And criticism of any development should be based upon careful analysis. Such criticism should also include positive input leading to improvement. I completely understand that everyone has their preferences, and thus they will be more likely to respond positively to those games which they enjoy. But for those forms of play which they do not enjoy, they should be careful not to let their prejudices rule their thinking. I sincerely hope that all my past comments at this site have been both positive and helpful to its members. I would wholeheartedly apologize to any who I have unintentionally offended.
Proliferation is a problem if we want CVs to be played. Many actually do not and want artwork instead. Betza was that way sometimes, frequently saying after a several-pages article words like, ''I have not actually tried this game but it looks pretty good.'' Swell for Betza with his panache, but not so good for the rest of us. To combat proliferation, different standards could be suggested. Making a CV and before posting, think carefully first. Would you be willing to present it to a Grandmaster, or Grandmasters, in a brief talk 5 or 10 minutes? State to the audience whether it is Track One or Track Two. Or suppose the audience is only the local college Chess club. I always try to word even Comments as if someone connected to grandmasters or others of stature were listening. After all, even GM Yasser Seirawan made a contribution, and Milan Vukevich gave Hawaii speech ten years ago on variant fairy pieces. Think of each new CV as being shown casually or to some extent formally to Kasparov, Kramnik, Anand, Polger or their surrogates or spokeswomen. Then if realizing it is not so good for an important audience, there will be some restraint in publishing willy-nilly, or more effort beforehand. That's just one offhand idea of new standard. More important, to be developed later, is simply finding the precedents, the priorities, the related art for your ''new CV,'' and how to go about it.
The fact that we are Chess variant developers should indicate that we do not often 'play by the rules'. And you want us to cede our authority and creativity to those who we are rebelling against. Any developer of Chess variants who enters this arena believing that their creation will somehow 'change the world' of Chess is simply deluding themselves. We do this for the pure enjoyment. Occasionally, we get lucky, or inspired, to develope a game which attracts a number of players. But rarely does any developer realize any monetary gain from this activity. And keep in mind that the players of the Mad Queen variant(FIDE) are actually a minority in this world. XiangQi and Shogi have more players. And they also have developers of variants in their countries. Unfortunately we are restricted from easy access to these creations by the language barrier.
George, I get the impression from your new post on proliferation that what you mean by it is not the mere release of lots of variants but rather the release of many untried and untested variants. If that's what you mean by it, then you should watch who you're calling a prolificist. I am not a prolificist by this definition of proliferation. Ever since I took up the hobby of creating Chess variants, I have programmed and playtested nearly every game I have released prior to releasing it. (The main exception would be the games in my Experiments in Symmetry article, which arose from an argument with Derek Nalls rather than from an interest in playing them.) I began with Cavalier Chess in December 1998, shortly after getting Zillions of Games. Where possible, I have routinely written ZRFs for my variants, and since developing the GAME Code language for Game Courier, I have been programming my new games for that platform too. I have never created a game simply as a work of art. I create games for the sake of playing them. I can appreciate the need for game inventors to slow down and think their games through before releasing them. My recommendation is that people program and playtest their games first. Programming a game helps to clarify thinking about the game, and it helps the game inventor write the game rules in full detail. Playtesting a game is essential for evaluating whether a game should be released, for identifying what should be changed in the game, and for trying out new ideas as the game develops. Personally, I am leary about letting non-editor members make their own pages on this site. While it makes less work for the editors, which is good, it encourages people to release games before thinking them through. If there is an upside to this, it is that they can benefit from peer review and find other people to help them playtest their games with Game Courier.
If proliferation leads to an enriching of the variant playing experience, by providing variety to a common set of rules, so that the variants act as scenarios in a larger framework, that is great. If a variant leads to yet another game joined into a pile of other games, then this isn't helpful at all. It ends up being yet another voice squawking for attention. Rather than enrich the play area, it distracts. And this is true, whether such is seen as 'Proliferation', 'Muliform', 'Ramalamadingdong', or 'George' :-P. So, in light of this, I had been requesting the variant community come up with a framework to integrate the essence of variants together, with all their variety, so people can focus on playing in the framework, rather than feeling they are jumping from one area to another. I am NOT saying this framework is meant to replace the flowering of variations. It is meant, however, for a way for people to sample and taste the world of variants, without feeling the need to reinvent the wheel. The framework allows people to have their play seem fresh, rather than getting stale. And the framework should also allow a place for the untested and untried to get tested and tried by a playing community. The framework could also clear a way for the variant community to have a world champion over its games collectively. Have this happen, and you have increased credibility. So, my take is proliferation that leads to enriching of a framework is fine. That which results in fragmenting and noise, is a problem.
Nothing prevents each member from composing a list of variants which they believe 'outshine' all the others. This can be used to create a quick link page titled 'So-and-so's Favorites'. And if a submitted variant is discovered to be flawed or a replication, simply inform the developer. Any recognition of a flaw should be accompanied by friendly suggestions of correction, rather than simply a panning comment. The same applies to unintentional replication, allowing the developer to either re-tract the submission or make appropriate adjustment to differentiate. Rather than attempting to create an atmosphere of rivalry and vindictiveness, the members of this site should be supportive. We are all brothers and sisters in the world of Chess. And our attitudes should be based upon the love of the game. We can still trounce each other royally while playing these games. ;-)
Well, let me cement my status as one of the main villains in this thread by saying that I've posted games without playtesting them. Just because it was the only way I could find a playtester is no excuse. I sometimes suspect David Howe set the CVwiki up for people like me to put all our absurd games in, protecting the main site. If so, it worked, to an extent. A number of people have posted games and discussions on games there. The ones that work sometimes cross over to the main site, but maybe not; there are games with presets there found nowhere else. How do we tell what's good and what's not? Classification of variants is a tricky proposition. As George has noted recently, a lot of designers can often/sometimes be recognized from style alone. Classifying by designer is pretty easy, and if you like a particular designer's work, it's useful to you for finding games you'll likely enjoy. A favorites list in shorthand. Classifying by piece-types seems like one good general category. Leaping, sliding, long range, short range, multipath, inclusive compound pieces... phew! And we're just getting started. What about all the pieces with special powers? Cannons, grasshoppers, immobilizers, leaders, followers, compound, multisquare, and on and on. How do you even classify the pieces? Board size. Dimensionality. Victory conditions. It's getting the taxonomy of an ecology, classifying a game, as compared to the much easier task of classifying a species or a piece. Practically impossible, but if we don't, or don't try, what's left? Recognized Variants, contest winners/finalists, official Game Courier Tournament games - all these games would be playable and likely decent games even if you personally didn't enjoy them. Then you explore and network. Suggestions anybody? We seem to need some higher-level sorting schemes. Does that cover the basic options, George?
If proliferation leads to an enriching of the variant playing experience, by providing variety to a common set of rules, so that the variants act as scenarios in a larger framework, that is great. If a variant leads to yet another game joined into a pile of other games, then this isn't helpful at all. It ends up being yet another voice squawking for attention. Rather than enrich the play area, it distracts.
Not only do I completely disagree with these comments, I also find them highly offensive. There is no need for a larger framework, and if someone creates a new game that people enjoy playing that is good enough. New games do not have to fit into a larger framework to have value.
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