Query Results for
SELECT * FROM `Item` LEFT JOIN `IndexEntry` USING (ItemID) WHERE `IsHidden` = 0 AND `Item`.`IsDeleted` = 0 AND `Language` = 'English' AND `LinkText` LIKE 'Ste%' ORDER BY `LinkText`, `Item`.`Summary` ASC LIMIT 500 OFFSET 0
- Stealth Chess. Commercial game with elements from Chess and from Stratego. (8x8, Cells: 64) Author: Mark Thompson. Inventor: Dice Corporation.
- Stealth Chess. You must guess which opponent unit is which. Author: Ed Friedlander.
- Stealth Ninja Chess. Features a Drop Zone and diverse pieces such as Ninja Guards, Ninja Warriors, Stealth Gryphon, Anti-Gryphon, and Ninja Pawns. By Charles Daniel.
- Stealth Ninja Chess. Chess with two pairs of linear short-range leapers, and drop zone to add the Stealth Gryphon, Anti-Gryphon and Ninja Pawns. (10x10, Cells: 104) By Charles Daniel.
- Stealth Ninja Chess . Dynamic but balanced game with short-range leapers, and unusual sliding pieces: the Stealth Gryphon and Anti-Gryphon. By Charles Daniel.
- Steeple Chess . Crossover between race game and chess.
- Steffan O' Sullivan's Three-players Chess. Three player chess variant on a board with 58 squares. By Steffan O'Sullivan.
- Stelliform 6 player Chess. Stellisch from Wellisch, Stellicorn from Revergent, and Stellgi and Hexgi. (17x17, Cells: 121) By Charles Gilman.
- Steno-Chess. A variation on retrograde analysis. By Éric Angelini.
- Step and Circle TrigChess. Trigonal entry for the 45 or 46 cell 2007 design contest. (9x6, Cells: 46) By Graeme C Neatham.
- Step and Circle TrigChess. Presentation of a short example game. By Graeme C Neatham.
- Step and Circle TrigChess . contains rules file with 2 boards and 2 piece sets. By Graeme C Neatham.
- Step by Step Handicap Chess . Missing description By Namik Zade.
- Stepping-stones of Chess. A Book by Shaye-Alexander Ellis Nicholls of Merridonia. By Glenn Nicholls.
- Steps Chess. Board looking like steps of many stairs.
- Stereo Chess. 8 by 8 board with four 4 by 4 boards stacked on top of it. (4x(), Cells: 128) Author: Hans L. Bodlaender. Inventor: Gerhard W. Jensch.
- Stevenson's Four-Player Chess. A game for two 2-player teams on a regular Chess board with the object of capturing all opposing pieces. By Jake Stevenson.
- Steward. Omnidirectional Pawn. Author: Bn Em. Inventor: Philip Marinelli and John William Brown.
- Steward Chess. Kings are able to "crown" pieces, giving them extra moves. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Adrian Alvarez de la Campa.
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