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DISCLAIMER: The ideas expressed on this page are the creative work of its author, Charles Gilman, and they might not be shared by others responsible for this website. They do not represent any convention, consensus, or standard regarding piece names.

Index N to Man and Beast

Each entry starts with the name or prefix in capitals, linked to the Piececlopedia page if an established piece, followed by the plural in plain text if irregular. Then comes the geometry, with a link to the Man and Beast page - square also covers cubic/xyrixa/hex-prism, all covers those plus 2d hex and 2d/3d pentagonal ones, and hex covers xyrixa/hex-prism. Then comes the definition in plain text. The name's origin, if more than random and neither a Piececlopedia piece nor obvious, is in italics. Compounds of two oblique leapers always have one of a set of endings designed to avoid duplicate names for mixed-range and part-symmetric versions. Unless specified as royally-restricted a piece is capturable. The phrase "capturing as" means exclusively unless prefixed with "also". When a move can be "repeated" it means without capturing on any but the last instance. DQR stands for Defaulting to Queen (square) or Rook (hex). Names combining component names are marked ¢. FO pieces' symmetric counterparts are marked §.

New in 2016 under this combination of letters: Nailer
New in 2015 under this letter: Niretaker, Nuretaker

The acknowledgments, overview, and glossary to the series can be found here.


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NABBER cubic FO 7:5:2 leaper, starts with reversed first 3 letters of Bandicoot §, extrapolated from Runaround.
NABDICOOT cubic 7:5:2 Curved linepiece on 6-stage circuit, reversing first 3 letters, or 2 consonants, of Bandicoot.
NABIN square Nalf+Nanard, extrapolated from Cabin.
NABOB cubic/xyrixa/hex-prism Eunuch+Saltire, as one subordinate to Sahib and Memsahib, of which pieces it is ND counterpart.
NACTERER xyrixa/hex-prism Rose+Rabbi+Nesnight, reversing first 3 letters, or 2 consonants, of Canterer whose Curved rider it is.
NACVASSER xyrixa/hex-prism Finch+Macel, reversing first 3 letters, or 2 consonants, of Canvasser whose Curved rider it is.
NADDER pentagonal Curved Rook on (in the SerPent case) a 10-stage circuit, as snake sharing Knight's initial in the absence of (1) one starting with the F of Finch and (2) oblique pieces devised for its geometry.
NAG cubic/xyrixa/hex-prism Unicorn with first step replaced by a Ferz one, as a term of abuse for both a horse and a preacher.
NAHBI square Stepping Eros+Stepping Eroscoward+Noncapturing Musket, from Nahbi Chess.
NAIAD cubic/hex-prism Vine+Eniv ¢.
NAILER cubic/xyrixa/hex-prism Nag capturing as Celebrant ¢.
NAIQUE cubic Namel+Slimmer+Loner, extrapolated from Caique.
NAIVE-CHAMELEON piece DQR all one capturing an enemy piece by that enemy's noncapturing move, translated for the Chameleon's own army.
NALASH hex on a Glinski board Aurocranker+Goosefiler; on a Wellisch one Gooseranker+Aurocfiler, extrapolated from Calash.
NALF Nalves square FO 8:6 leaper, extrapolated from Calf.
NALTBOAT square Nazgul+Nantail, extrapolated from Faltboat.
NAMEL square symmetric 7:1 leaper dual to Antelope, extrapolated from Camel.
NANARD square FO 14:2 leaper, extrapolated from Canard.
NANDYMAN Nandymen square Nose+Nump, extrapolated from Handyman.
NANOE cubic Antelope+Effarig+Rotcer, extrapolated from Canoe.
NANTAIL square 35° Wazir-Eunuch 3-stepper, extrapolated from Fantail.
NANTERER xyrixa/hex-prism Antelope+Aurochs+Goose, extrapolated from Canterer.
NAPDA hex 60° Curved Panda, reversing first 3 letters, or 2 consonants, of Panda.
NAPSTAN square Nartridge+Narving, extrapolated from Capstan.
NARAVEL square Narbine+Natana, extrapolated from Caravel.
NARBINE square differs from Nharolais in requiring an occupied halfway cell for capturing moves (in the Chinese style) or all moves (in the Korean style), extrapolated from Carbine.
NARDINAL square Bishop+Antelope, extrapolated from Cardinal.
NARK cubic/hex Saltire+Trisk, by analogy to Frock, Toke, and Nuke.
NAROLAIS square 8:6 Curved linepiece on 8-stage circuit, Nharolais, whose Curved rider it is, stripped of second consonant before first vowel.
NARRATIVE cubic/xyrixa Nurturer+Numbat ¢.
NARTRIDGE, NARVING square differ from Nalf, Nanard in requiring an occupied halfway cell for capturing moves (in the Chinese style) or all moves (in the Korean style), extrapolated from Cartridge and Carving.
NASCADE cubic Namel+Arbez+Ognimalf, extrapolated from Cascade.
NATAMARAN, NATANA square Nharolais+Nrane. differs from Nrane in requiring an occupied halfway cell for capturing moves (in the Chinese style) or all moves (in the Korean style), extrapolated from Catamaran, Katana.
NATTEEJACK cubic/xyrixa/hex-prism Viceroy+Tripper, by analogy to Frog, Toad, and Newt.
NAVALCADE cubic/xyrixa/hex-prism Unicorn+Antelope, extrapolated from Cavalcade.
NAVIDAD cubic/xyrixa/hex-prism Gift+Birth.
NAVVY square 55° Wazir-Viceroy alternator, EMD Sextonwise.
NAWAB hex-prism Drummer+Rumchick, as the title corrupted into Nabob, of which piece it is HD counterpart.
NAZGUL square 55° Viceroy-Dabbaba 3-stepper, as flying creature from Tolkien works also featuring Elves and Dwarves.
NEAPOLITAN hex-prism Dicorn+Hydra, alongside Metropolitan and Cosmoplolitan.
NEARTEN cubic xyrixa Ninja+Elf, from component SOLLs differing from 10 by 1 either side.
NEAPOLITAN hex-prism Dicorn+Hydra, alongside Metropolitan and Cosmoplolitan.
NECKLACE cubic Nabber+Stance ¢.
NECROMANCER hex-prism Bishop with first 2 steps replaced by Rumbaba ones, as one dabbling in the spirit world.
NEDRAWEMAG cubic Arbez+Effarig, Gamewarden for Zebra+Giraffe reversed.
NEHRU hex-prism Newlywed+Endower ¢.
NEMMING hex-prism symmetric pure-hex root-124 leaper, edxtrapolated from Lemming.
NEREID cubic Ninja+Propounder ¢.
NERS hex-prism Senhereservist+Senhecoward, extrapolated from Barc.
NERVE cubic xyrixa FO 7:7:4 leaper, from what is metaphorically strained fora Worrier §.
NERVOUS piece square one which while still making noncapturing moves in directions indicated on each cell, captures in directions other than those indicated on each cell, from Pawn the Brain.
NESNIGHT, NESROSE hex root-7 Curved linepiece on 6-stage circuit, Nesnight+Senrose, first reversing first 3 letters, or 2 consonants, of Sennight whose Curved rider it is, second combining both modifications of Sennight.
NEST hex-prism Wing+Drumstick, as place to built by birds for their eggs and chicks.
NETWORK cubic Foundation+Reporter, from Gavin Smith's Prince.
NEUROTIC Fearfranker+Ruddefiler on Glinski-level, vice versa on Wellisch-level, and Fearfcolumner+Ruddeleveller on hex-ranked, as a near-synonym for fearful.
NEWLYWED hex symmetric root-31 pure-hex leaper dual to the cubic Endower, as one about to set off on their honeymoon, a period which was originally a month, for its SOLL of 31.
NEWROSE hex Curved root-31 linepiece on 12-stage circuit, extrapolated from Senrose.
NEWT square Elephant+Trebuchet, from problematist usage, in conjunction with Frog and Toad.
NEYLINE hex-prism FO pure-hex root-124 leaper, edxtrapolated from Leyline.
NFARRIER cubic Unicorn with first step replaced by a Fwazir one, adding the initial of Nag.
NHAROLAIS square symmetric 8:6 leaper, extrapolated from Charolais.
NHILLENGER cubic/xyrixa Ninja capturing as Nimel, extrapolated from Challenger.
NHIMOIS cubic xyrixa piece moving thrice as far as the Ninja in the same directions, extrapolated from Chamois.
NHIPERONE cubic/xyrixa Ninja+Tripper, extrapolated from Chaperone.
NHIROLAIS cubic xyrixa piece moving twice as far as the Ninja in the same directions, extrapolated from Charolais.
NHULLENGER cubic/xyrixa Underscore capturing as Nurturer, extrapolated from Challenger.
NIBIN cubic xyrixa Nilf+Ninard, extrapolated from Cabin.
NICKELGENERAL, square Ferzranker+Point by analogy to Coppergeneral.
NICKERIDER square Bishoranker+Wing.
NIFILA cubic/xyrixa Unicorn+Nimel, extrapolatred from Cafila.
NIGGLER cubic FO 7:3:3 leaper, xyrixa dual to cubic Gripe, starts with reversed early letters of Guineapig §, extrapolated from Runaround.
NIGHT- square abbreviation of Knight before suffixes, from Nightrider.
NIGHTINGALE square Light Gryphon, whose destinations are those of the Knight, Giraffe and pieces named after birds.
NIGHTRACE square Nightrider+Stripe, short for Nightriding Terrace.
NIGHTRAGE cubic Nightrider+Dump, short for Nightriding Copackage.
NIGHTRAN, NIGHTRELLE square Nightrider+Hump, Nightrider+Zebra, short for Nightriding Handyman, Gazelle.
NIGHTREN, NIGHTREST, NIGHTRI cubic Nightrider+Sexton, Nightrider+Disguise, Nightrider+Ninja, short for Nightriding Churchwarden, Crest, Samurai.
NIGHTRIDER square can be indefinitely repeat Knight leaps in the same direction.
NIGHTRU, NIGHTRUT, NIGHTSWU square Nightrider+Camel, Nightrider+Blotch, Nightswitcher+Camel, short for Nightriding Gnu, Nightriding Lookout, and Nightswitching Gnu.
NILF Nilves cubic xyrixa piece moving twice as far as the Disguise in the same directions, extrapolated from Calf.
NILIPH cubic/xyrixa Bishop+Nimel, extrapolated from Caliph.
NIMBUS cubic/xyrixa Nimel+Exorcist ¢.
NIMEL cubic symmetric 4:1:1 leaper, xyrixa dual to cubic Ninja, extrapolated from Camel.
NIMPAIGNER cubic/xyrixa Arrow+Nimel, extrapolated from Campaigner.
NINACE, NINAN cubic Ninja+Shovel, Ninja+Dump, short for Ninjaed Coalface, Ninjaed Handyman.
NINARD cubic xyrixa piece moving twice as far as the Dump in the same directions, extrapolated from Canard.
NINCOMPOOP square Ninny plus Dunce ¢.
NINELEAPER cubic Opossum+Ultimatum+Nhimois+Tritrebuchet, as the compound of all pieces with leap length 9.
NINEST cubic Ninja+Helm, short for Ninjaed Crest.
NINETOAD, NINGAROO cubic/xyrixa Nimel+Trebuchet, Ninja+Elephant, extrapolated from Canetoad, Kangaroo.
NINJA cubic symmetric 2:2:1 leaper, xyrixa dual to cubic Nimel, punning on its SOLL of 9.
NINJARI cubic Ninjarider+Knight, short for Ninjariding Samurai.
NINKSMAN, NINNIBAL cubic/xyrixa Cannon+Ninja, Ninja+Zombie, extrapolated from Marksman, Cannibal.
NINNY square Prince restricted to directions indicated on each cell, from Take the Brain.
NINSHAL cubic/xyrixa Rook+Ninja, Nimel+Eunuch, extrapolated from Marshal.
NINTOR cubic/xyrixa Rook+Ninja, Nimel+Eunuch, extrapolated from Cantor.
NINTU cubic xyrixa Ninja+Nimel ¢.
NINVASSER, NIPARISONNER cubic/xyrixa Rook+Nimel, extrapolated from Canvasser, Caparisoner.
NIPSTAN, NIRAVEL, NIRBINE cubic xyrixa Nirtridge+Nirving, Nirbine+Nitana, differs from Nhirolais in requiring an occupied halfway cell for capturing moves (in the Chinese style) or all moves (in the Korean style), extrapolated from Capstan, Caravel, Carbine.
NIRDINAL cubic/xyrixa Bishop+Ninja, extrapolated from Cardinal.
NIREERIST cubic/xyrixa Arrow+Ninja, extrapolated from Careerist.
NIRETAKER cubic/xyrixa Disguise capturing as Dump, extrapolated from Caretaker.
NIRIBOU, NIRPENTER cubic/xyrixa Nimel+Elephant, Ninja+Dabbaba, extrapolated from Caribou, Carpenter.
NIRTRIDGE, NIRVING cubic xyrixa differ from Nilf, Ninard in requiring an occupied halfway cell for capturing moves (in the Chinese style) or all moves (in the Korean style), extrapolated from Cartridge and Carving.
NISBAH, NISHIER cubic/xyrixa Nimel+Dabbaba, Cannon+Nimel, extrapolated from Casbah, Cashier.
NITAMARAN cubic xyrixa Nhirolais+Nrine, extrapolated from Catamaran.
NITAN square Knight+Hump, short for Knighted Handyman.
NITANA cubic xyrixa differs from Nrine in requiring an occupied halfway cell for capturing moves (in the Chinese style) or all moves (in the Korean style), extrapolated from Katana.
NITAPULT cubic/xyrixa Ninja+Trebuchet, extrapolated from Catapult.
NITAR cubic Knight+Shovel, short for Knighted Handyman.
NITET, NITOR square Knight+Blotch, Knight+Stripe, short for Knighted Gorget, Visor.
NITWIT square Ninny plus Fuddy-duddy ¢.
NIVALCADE cubic/xyrixa Unicorn+Ninja, extrapolated from Cavalcade.
NIVNOCK hex Rabbi+Nueuch, reversing first 3 letters, or 2 consonants, of Vinnock whose Curved rider it is.
NOCLAF square Mitre+Helmsupercoward, from Gryphon Aanca Chess.
NOCTULE cubic symmetric 7:5:3 leaper, in conjunction with other bat names.
NOMAD cubic/hex-prism Nose+Eson ¢.
NOMALET pieces, NOMALRIDER pieces cubic/xyrixa/hex-prism those that can also make capturing moves, short- and long-range respectively, in remaining Archdukewise directions, from Telamon reversed.
NONBRAKING piece all one that keeps going until it either captures a piece or goes its maximum distance in a given direction - a set distance for limited-range pieces (the Murray Lion is a Nonbraking Leaping Pasha), or the edge of the board for linepieces.
NONCAPTURING piece all one that cannot capture enemy pieces.
NONCHALANT Pawnlike piece any one with an optional double-step inital move procided that the first step is capturing and the second noncapturing, suggesting one who starts by attacking and then acts peaceful.
NOSE square FO 6:5 leaper, from the "parson's nose", famously at the opposite end on a bird to where it is on a Parson §.
NOSFERATU cubic xyrixa Nosrap+Onlooker ¢.
NOSINESS cubic/xyrixa Parson+Nosrap ¢.
NOSRAP cubic symmetric 6:4:3 leaper, xyrixa dual to the cubic Onlooker, Parson for symmetric 6:5 reversed.
NOUVELLE cubic Numbat+Beggar ¢.
NRANE square symmetric 14:2 leaper, extrapolated from Crane.
NRINE cubic xyrixa piece moving twice as far as the Nimel in the same directions, extrapolated from Crane.
NSEXTON cubic Sextoranker+Ninjafiler, extrapolated from Brook.
NUASEHOLDER, NUCHWE cubic/xyrixa/hex-prism Rook+Underscore, Underscore+Elephant, extrapolated from Leaseholder, Lechwe.
NUCLEUS cubic/xyrixa/hex-prism Underscore+Numbat ¢.
NUEUCH hex root-12 Curved linepiece on 6-stage circuit, reversing first 3 letters of Eunuch whose Curved rider it is.
NUGBA, NUGENDIST, NUGIONARY, NUIOPELMA cubic/xyrixa/hex-prism Underscore+Zombie, Underscore+Eunuch, Underscore+Dabbaba, Underscore+Trebuchet, extrapolated from Legba, Legendist, Legionary, Leiopelma.
NUKE square Tusk+Trechick, replacing ending of Newt § with K of Trechick, in conjunction with Frock and Toke.
NUMBAT cubic symmetric 5:4:4 leaper, xyrixa dual to the cubic Tinkerer, from being a Hypotenuse piece of Underline and Nurturer, and in conjunction with other marsupial names, especially Wombat for other leaper with SOLL 57.
NUMCLUB cubic 55° Wazir-Corpse alternator, EMD Numbatwise.
NUMMING cubic xyrixa/hex-prism piece moving twice as far as the Underscore in the same directions, extrapolated from Lemming.
NUMSKULL square Queen restricted to directions indicated on each cell, from Take the Brain.
NUMP square FO 11:1 leaper dual to the Nose, extrapolated from Hump.
NUN hex-prism Rook+Drummer, in conjunction with Abbess and Prioress.
NUNCHAKU cubic xyrixa/hex-prism Underscore+Nurturer ¢.
NUPRECHAUN, NUPTODACTYL cubic/xyrixa/hex-prism Unicorn+Underscore, Undersore+Tripper, extrapolated from Leprechaun, Leptodactyl.
NURROSE hex Curved root-19 linepiece on 12-stage circuit, extrapolated from Senrose.
NURSEMAID cubic Nurturer+Wombat ¢.
NURETAKER cubic/xyrixa Cedilla capturing as Runaround, extrapolated from Caretaker.
NURTURER cubic symmetric 6:1:1 leaper, xyrixa/hex-prism dual to the cubic Underscore, symmetric 1:root 37 leaper, in conjunction with other imparters of care, wisdom, or religion for even-SOLL cubic leapers, especially Sustainer for other leaper with SOLL 38.
NUSTRAP hex Curved root-61 linepiece on 6-stage circuit, reversing first 3 letters, or 2 consonants, of Suntrap whose Curved rider it is.
NUTCRACKER cubic 55° Viceroy-Cobbler alternator, EMD Nurturerwise.
NUTTINESS cubic/xyrixa Numbat+Worrier ¢.
NUVERAGE cubic xyrixa/hex-prism differs from Nuyline in requiring an occupied halfway cell for capturing moves (in the Chinese style) or all moves (in the Korean style), extrapolated from Leverage.
NUVITE cubic/xyrixa/hex-prism Bishop+Underscore, extrapolated from Levite.
NUWISGUN, NUYLINE cubic xyrixa/hex-prism differs from Numming in requiring an occupied halfway cell for capturing moves (in the Chinese style) or all moves (in the Korean style), piece moving twice as far as the Cedilla in the same directions, extrapolated from Lewisgun, Leyline.
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By Charles Gilman.
Web page created: 2011-10-01. Web page last updated: 2010-12-28