Inventors Starting with H
- Zied Haddad [info]
Musketeer Chess. Adding 2 newly designed extra pieces. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Musketeer Chess. A game that adds extra pieces to Chess, playable online with Game Courier.
- H. Haigh [info]
Haigh's Chess. Variant on a 8x12 board with doubled arrays.
- Ron Hale-Evans [info]
An EconoSplurge Chess Variant Set. Chess Variant Set.
- Aaron Hall [info]
String Chess. A one-dimensional variant with a fairy theme. (1x24, Cells: 24)
String Chess. A one-dimensional variant with a fairy theme.
- Robert Hancock [info]
Hexiang Qi. Hexagonal Variant of Xiang Qi. (11x11, Cells: 91)
Imperial Hex Chess. Smaller hexagonal variant with new pieces. (Cells: 75)
- Ralf Hansmann [info]
Synchronous Chess. Chess played with written simultaneous moves.
Witch's Chess. Two or three player hexagonal variant.
- Bruce Harper [info]
Bombalot. Bombs can wipe out most pieces on the board.
Seirawan Chess. invented by GM Yasser Seirawan, a conservative drop chess (zrf available).
Seirawan Chess. FIDE chess, put players have N+R and N+B in hand to drop., more...
- David A. Harrell [info]
Axis and Allies Chess. Diceless variant of Axis and Allies.
- Mathew B. Harrer [info]
Galachess. Hexagonal variation from 1980.
- Tom Hartley [info]
Napoleonic Chess. Large chess variant with the `spirit of the Armies of the Napoleonic period'. (14x14, Cells: 196)
Napoleonic Chess. Large chess variant with the `spirit of the Armies of the Napoleonic period'.
- Peter S. Hatch [info]
Fantasy Grand Chess. Variant of Grand Chess with different armies and fantasy theme. (10x10, Cells: 100)
Fantasy Grand Chess: Druid Army. Druid Army. (10x10, Cells: 100)
Fantasy Grand Chess: Dwarven Army. Dwarven Army. (10x10, Cells: 100) , more...
- Thomas Havel [info]
Jester Chess Cutouts. Pieces to print to make your own Jester Chess set.
Jester Chess. Large variant, with four new pieces including Jester that imitates opponents last type of move. (10x11, Cells: 110)
Jester Chess. Featuring pieces that mimic last piece moved, archers that can either capture OR move. quadrapawns, and murray lions.
- Billy Haynie [info]
Haynie's Game of Leapers. On 8 by 8 board with several pieces that can jump. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Haynie's Great Chess. A decimal chess variant with Cardinals, Marshals Amazons, Nightriders Commoners, Firzans, Wazirs, Camels, And Zebras. (10x10, Cells: 100)
Haynie's Hexagonal Chess. Experimental hexagonal chess variant. (Cells: 91) , more...
- Julian S. Grant Hayward [info]
Double Chess. Two sets of pieces on 16 by 12 board. (16x12, Cells: 192)
- Richard Hazlewood [info]
Hazlewood's Hexagonal Chess. Hexagonal Chess on a diamond-shaped board with many short-moving pieces.
- Edmund Hebermann [info]
Berolina Chess. Different moving pawns. (8x8, Cells: 64) (Recognized!)
- Mark Hedden [info]
Chaughts. A mixture of chess and international draughts. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Europan Chess. A 14x14 board with extra pieces. (14x14, Cells: 196)
Ganymede Chess. A 12x12 variant inspired by Ralph Betza's Chess on a really big board, Centennial Chess and Adrian King's Typhoon (among others). (12x12, Cells: 144) , more...
- Patrik Hedman [info]
Bandit Chess. Missing description (9x7, Cells: 63)
Bede Chess. Missing description (9x11, Cells: 99)
Captain's Chess. Missing description (9x8, Cells: 72) , more...
- Andrew Heiser [info]
Three Player Chess. Three players must win both games simultaneously to win. (8x8, Cells: 64)
- Bernard Hempseed [info]
How to Make Some Fairy Chess Pieces. How to alter standard plastic Chess pieces into various Fairy pieces.
- Cameron Hendricks [info]
Fog of War Chess. Players can only see certain squares. Plays on a computer application. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Fog of War Chess. Players can only see certain squares. Plays on a computer application.
- donald henry [info]
Ninth-Ray Jetan. Missing description (5x20, Cells: 100)
- Patricia Hernandez [info]
Goatsuckers. Small modern shogi variant on 5 by 5 board. (5x5, Cells: 25)
- Rick Hewson [info]
Exchequer 3D Chess. Expensive three dimensional chess variant.
- Rupert Hickton [info]
Feudal Chess. A 12x10 themed chess with variable armies. (12x10, Cells: 120)
- Muhammad Hidayat [info]
Babylonian Chess. Captures are determined by rolling dice. (8x8, Cells: 64)
- Jozias Hillenkamp [info]
Link to: Rainbowchess. Cards determine which pieces are placed on the board.
- Melchior Hillenkamp [info]
Link to: Rainbowchess. Cards determine which pieces are placed on the board.
- Karl O. Hill [info]
Counter Chess. Units may not capture those taller than they are.
- Kevin Hill [info]
Embassy Chess. A 10x8 variant based on Grand Chess. (10x8, Cells: 80)
Embassy Chess. Play Embassy Chess with Jocly.
Embassy Chess. Play this modern Bird's Chess variant based on the setup of Grand Chess.
- Ronald Hoekstra [info]
Power Chess 1998. Taken pieces can reenter. (5x7, Cells: 39)
- Silvia Hollinshead [info]
Palace Shogi. A complicated hybrid of Shogi, Xiang Qi, and Chess.
- Daniel Hollombe [info]
Aviary. New pieces with shogi elements and a bird theme. (8x8, Cells: 64)
. New pieces with shogi elements and a bird theme.
- Alan Holloway [info]
Brickchucking Chess. Pieces cannot move backwards, but do give check/mate backwards.
Brickchucking Chess. Pieces can only move forward, but attack the king in any direction.
- Dale Holmes [info]
Monster Bluff Chess. On 10 boards put together, with putting stakes on squares. (32x24, Cells: 640)
Salmon P. Chess. Huge three-dimensional game celebrating 10 years chess variant pages. (10x(), Cells: 7500)
- Richard Honeycutt [info]
McCooey's Hexagonal Chess. Play this hexagonal adapation of Chess on Jocly.
- Pangus Ho [info]
iChess. Missing description (8x8, Cells: 64)
. Missing description
- ? Hopwood [info]
Diana. Chess on a 6 by 6 board. (6x6, Cells: 36)
Diana Chess. Miniature chess game from the late 1800's.
. Chess on a 6 by 6 board., more...
- François Houdebert [info]
Timurid. Evolution of timur chess. (12x12, Cells: 144)
- David Howe [info]
Floppy Board Tiles. An example of a chess variant board construction set.
Arena Chess 42. A non-competing entry in the 42 Squares contest. (Cells: 42)
Bifold Halfgi. A variant of Halfgi, but with half-sized pieces., more...
- C. S. Howell [info]
Howell's Chess. The usual array and moves on a 10x10 board.
- Stephen Howell [info]
Hit and Run Chess. After the first move, players may move 1 piece twice or two pieces once, capturing only on any piece's first move.
- Robert Huber [info]
Recycle Chess. Players can capture and drop their own pieces. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Recycle Chess. You may capture your own units and replace them on the board.
- Jari Huikari [info]
Insane. Pieces change to random type when they move. With program playing this variant.
Insane Chess. Units mutate randomly.
Insane Chess II. Units mutate randomly. This time, you know what the unit will become., more...
- Sean Humby [info]
Hishigata Shogi. Variation of Maka-Dai-Dai Shogi (ultra large Shogi). (19x19, Cells: 361)
- Ethan Hunt [info]
Turnstyle. Four player chess variant using a normal chess set.
Wau Chess. Chess with special movable board sections. (5x(), Cells: 52)
- Christan Hupp [info]
Squarcle Chess. Orthogonal pieces travel in square loops, diagonal pieces reflect. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Squarcle Chess
. Orthogonal pieces travel in square loops, diagonal pieces reflect.
- James Hutchings [info]
The Chess Plus Plus Deck. Chess with special cards. Free!!
- Rich Hutnik [info]
Corner Chess. Two or four player chess variant on 8 by 8 board with pieces starting in the corners. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Dipole Chess. A cross between Chess and the game Dipole by Mark Steere. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Forwards Chess. A variation of FIDE Chess where pieces only move forward. (8x8, Cells: 64) , more...