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Cleopatra Chess

This page contains one or more presets for playing a game online with Game Courier, an online server for playing Chess variants by correspondence.

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Graphic created using Game Courier.

Imperial Chess Graphics by James Spratt.

Game Courier Logs for Games of Cleopatra Chess

In this Ordinary Cleopatra Chess Variant, the Cleopatra is just an ordinary piece, in that it can be captured. Cleopatras are the only piece flipping pieces though. The other pieces can all capture and check the king and one wins either by checkmating the king or by changing the king's colors.

In Ordinary Cleopatra Chess, pawns can't be flipped, only pieces. Cleopatras can cause each other to turn color and they can capture each other and other pieces and be captured by any piece.

Logs for Ordinary Cleopatra Chess

In Ordinary Pawnflipping Cleopatra Chess, all the rules of Ordinary Cleopatra Chess apply, except pawns can be flipped by Cleopatras.

Logs for Ordinary Pawnflipping Cleopatra Chess

In Ordinary NonCleopatra-Flipping Cleopatra Chess, all the rules of Ordinary Cleopatra Chess apply, except Cleopatras can't flip Cleopatras.

Logs for Ordinary NonCleopatra-Flipping Cleopatra Chess

In Ordinary NonCleopatra-Flipping, Non-Cleopatra Capturing Chess, all the rules of Ordinary Cleopatra Chess apply, except Cleopatras can't flip other Cleopatras and they can't capture.

Logs for Ordinary NonCleopatra-Flipping, Non-Cleopatra Capturing Chess

In Ordinary Pawnflipping, Non-Cleopatra-Flipping Cleopatra Chess, all the rules of ordinary Cleopatra Chess apply, except Cleopatras can flip pawns but they can't flip Cleopatras.

Logs for Ordinary Pawnflipping, Non-Cleopatra-Flipping Cleopatra Chess

In Ordinary Pawnflipping, Non-Cleopatra-Flipping, Non-Cleopatra Capturing Chess, all the rules of Ordinary Cleopatra Chess apply, except Cleopatras can flip pawns but can't flip Cleopatras and they can't capture.

Logs for Ordinary Pawnflipping, Non-Cleopatra-Flipping, Non-Cleopatra Capturing Chess

This 'user submitted' page is a collaboration between the posting user and the Chess Variant Pages. Registered contributors to the Chess Variant Pages have the ability to post their own works, subject to review and editing by the Chess Variant Pages Editorial Staff.

Author: Jeremy Gabriel Good. Inventor: Dan Troyka.
Web page created: 2006-05-07. Web page last updated: 2006-05-07