Commodore Chess
This page contains one or more presets for playing a game online with Game Courier, an online server for playing Chess variants by correspondence.
The Commodore moves like a Queen but can capture an enemy only if there is another piece (of either side) in between, and any interim squares are empty. Thus to capture it leaps over the intervening piece and lands on the enemy piece, like a cannonball. Note that the cannon movement is also performed on the diagonals. Otherwise, rules are the same as in standard chess, except for the possibility of pawn promotion to Commodore. The Commodore's value is 5, that is, the same as a Rook.The Commodore piece was invented in 1936 by
The Commodore is a very interesting piece for the tactician. Positionally, too, it could be quite dangerous because one can sometimes sacrifice a Commodore for a light piece (Knight or Bishop) to achieve positional ends. In the middlegame the Commodore is more valuable than a Rook, due to its dangerous tactical capabilities. But in the endgame it is less valuable than a Rook. An obvious case is the endgame King + Commodore vs. King, while it cannot give mate to the enemy King.
The following preset makes a good validity check of Commodore moves, etc. Moves are automated, including castling and the 'en passant' move. Pieces can be moved by pointing and clicking. When promoting a pawn, it will automatically turn into a Queen. Should you prefer another piece then you must type it manually (e.g., add N a8; capture a7). (If you wish to promote to a Commodore you must use the internal syntax Q1.) Use small piece-letters for black. E-mails to your opponent are generated, but you can play online by intermittently pressing the browser's update button.
Commodore Chess
You can download a Zillions implementation

See also my other Game Courier presets.
This 'user submitted' page is a collaboration between the posting user and the Chess Variant Pages. Registered contributors to the Chess Variant Pages have the ability to post their own works, subject to review and editing by the Chess Variant Pages Editorial Staff.
By M Winther.
Web page created: 2006-08-31. Web page last updated: 2006-08-31