Meteoric Chess
This page contains one or more presets for playing a game online with Game Courier, an online server for playing Chess variants by correspondence.
In Meteoric (Meteor) Chess the rules are the same as in orthodox chess, except that pieces are placed in the reserve, while the pawns, as usual, are placed on the second row. In the main variant the rooks are in their standard place, too. Players may either move a piece or pawn, or drop a piece from the reserve. Pieces may only be dropped on empty positions on the first four ranks, or on a friendly pawn. In the latter case the removed friendly pawn must immediately be relocated to the position next to and ahead of the dropped piece. (That is, the pawn must first move one step forward to an empty square.) The two bishops must be dropped on different colours. Castling can be performed with a rook on a corner square. Note that pieces and pawns are allowed to move before all pieces have been dropped.Note! This preset can also be used for the variant which restricts dropping to the third rank or below. Although the preset will allow drops on the fourth rank, the players can agree not to drop on the fourth rank.
The following preset makes a reasonably good validity check of moves. Moves are automated, including castling, 'en passant', and the pawn relocation (you can simply drop the external piece on a friendly pawn, and the pawn will move forwards). Pieces can be moved by pointing and clicking. When promoting a pawn, it will automatically turn into a Queen. Should you prefer another piece then you must type it manually (e.g., add N a8; capture a7). Use small piece-letters for black. E-mails to your opponent are generated, but you can play online by intermittently pressing the browser's update button.
For convenience, the bishops in the reserve are positioned on coloured squares. It's not allowed to drop a bishop on another colour than its colour square. The preset performs some checks, but the players should be alert to this rule. Note that you are allowed to make a pawn-relocation if in check, if the pawn-relocation move covers the check.
Meteoric Chess (big graphics)
Meteoric Chess (small graphics)
You can also download a Zillions implementation

See also my other Game Courier presets.
This 'user submitted' page is a collaboration between the posting user and the Chess Variant Pages. Registered contributors to the Chess Variant Pages have the ability to post their own works, subject to review and editing by the Chess Variant Pages Editorial Staff.
By M Winther.
Web page created: 2007-02-09. Web page last updated: 2007-02-09