Chess problems: A proof game -solution
This is the position after the 4th move of black. How did the game go?
FEN: rnbqknbr/pp3ppp/2p1p3/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQK1NR.
Alfred Pfeiffer was the first to send in a correct solution. (First, a wrong position was put on the webpage, and some sent in a correct solution to this wrong position.) This is the solution. It is nice to see how the black king helps.1. e2-e4 e7-e6 2. Bf1-b5 Ke8-e7 3. Bb5:d7 c7-c6 4. Bd7-e8 Ke7:e8
Written by Hans Bodlaender.
WWW page created: May 25, 1998.