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George Duke wrote on Fri, Jan 14, 2011 03:22 PM EST:Excellent ★★★★★
Up for three years but not much noted yet, this chapter overlaps Multi-path pieces (, more than any other Man and Beast. (1) Have Stiles' Fox and Wolf ever appeared in a CV? Why not extrapolate from Stiles' Rabbit too? (2) Early on in this article ''Ricochet turning at the piece which they hop'' would be describing hopping bifurcators of Winther (for other units in m&b13); and you are probably going to have to work the language of bifurcators eventually in some way, as to hop, deflect, collide, bounce, for separate class. (3) In the series' reworking, if trying to deal with pentagonal now too, why not ever treat triangular 2-d and 3-d? Would they already be taken care of by some other geometry? What about holes in pentagonal? (4) Concentrating on comprehensive renaming and new naming misses some of the features at times lacking sense of proportion. For example, it is important that Sissa is two-path and four-path depending on arrival spot. (5) Same for multi-path Scorpion and Dragon that have differing number of ways to traverse different square-destinations. It is not evident how different coordinates are conditional on so many pathways when stressing the names can miss the ramification. (6) The six-stepper counterpart to five-stepper Dragon is Phoenix, and seven-stepper is Roc. (7) Other pieces going to (1,3) + (2,3) are in chessboardmath6, not that they should fit in here, but names include Osprey, Fourriere Falcon, Marsh Hawk, plus others. (8) 4-compound Combine of Tri-punch has interesting multi-path breakdown. How is it multi-path offhand since the only Tri-punch leaper is NN? (9) Where is Badbaba defined for 3d Hex, another chapter I guess? What should be review, is Prince just one-stepping Queen these boards, to get compound Barnawarbler, Prince + Badbaba for instance M&B13? (10) Thanks for the indexing/glossary recent years, which eventually should have every piece-type too to intensify reference utility.

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Comment on the page Man and Beast 13: Straight and Crooked Moving

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