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sarowersingh bhati wrote on Wed, Apr 18, 2012 01:54 AM EDT:Excellent ★★★★★
Great contribution to chess:By a disabled  kid suffering from fatal disease:Awesome kid , who is pride of India , motivates world...World chess fraternity should appreciate his efforts

Youngest disabled in the world to get patent despite suffering from fatal disease by his invention of circular chess for 2,3,6 players
Covered by National/International media 
Imagine a kid of 9.5 years on wheel chair and suffering from deadly disease Duchenne muscular dystrophy ad he becomes the youngest patent holder in India and youngest disabled patent holder of world. He inspires and motivates everyone and gives a great message of motivation to achieve despite hardship. Indian media print / visual covered him at national level. To know more about him is very simple. Just type Hridayeshwar Singh Bhati on google search and 1800 articles/news/blogs/photos will be in front of you. His story should be known to every one as it motivates every one. He is a mile stone in the disabled world after Stephen hawkins and Wilma rudoph. Media of India quoted him as Wonder kid , Genius , Mini stephen hawkins. It all happened as he invented circular chess for 2,3,4,6 players and got patent in India. He has given a great message that even if disease can not be cured it can be defeated. His ideal person is stephen hawkins for two reasons. Firstly he says ":Great stephen hawkins has given rare achievement to world , despite hardship and secondly he aspire to become scientist. Salute the great kid and true wonderkid and mini stephen hawkins in true sense. Covering him in right spirit will be a great motivation and inspiration through out the world. You can also find his news/videos on my wall on facebook. My wall name: Sarower Singh Bhati . To contact me. Mobile number 9314509341/India. or landline is 0091/141/4030236. My address: Director Kings education Flat number 302, D-238 ,Shri gopalam apartment, bihari marg ,behind collectorate ,banipark Jaipur Rajasthan India

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Top level header: <H1>

Block quote

Second paragraph in block quote

First Paragraph of response. Italics, bold, and bold italics.

Second Paragraph after blank line. Here is some HTML code mixed in with the Markdown, and here is the same <U>HTML code</U> enclosed by backticks.

Secondary Header: <H2>

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A term
Its definition after a colon.
A second definition.
A third definition.
Another term following a blank line
The definition of that term.