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🕸Fergus Duniho wrote on Mon, Sep 13, 2004 12:55 PM EDT:
<P>Derek Nalls writes:</P> <BLOCKQUOTE> I am convinced that it is distastefully presumptuous for any small group of us (such as CV Pages staff and members) to arbitrarily add to the list of recognized chess variants in the world. Although I have nothing in particular against the list of games selected September, 2001 - June, 2002, I firmly believe that erasing this list, with apology, is the only appropriate, dignified course of action for us. Hopefully, this trite, ridiculous escapade will soon be forgotten by anyone who took offense to it. </BLOCKQUOTE> <P>This is our list of recognized variants, not the world's. A world list might include nothing more than Chess, Shogi, and Xiang Qi. This list is for people who are interested in Chess variants to benefit from the experience of those of us who have taken a special interest in Chess variants. Although I am uninterested in some games on the list and even think some should have never been added, I don't agree that erasing the list is appropriate. I will let the list remain intact. What I bring to the list is a more democratic means for adding to it. I will not be adding any game just because I or someone else likes it. I will accept nominations for adding to a list of candidates, and I will conduct occasional polls for adding new games to the list. These will be ranked ballot polls counted by the MAM method, which after studying various voting methods, I regard as the fairest and most democratic election method available. So, when a new game gets added to the list, it will really be because it has gained favor and recognition among those of us here who like to play a variety of Chess variants.</P> <P>As for the matter of whether it is appropriate to add to the list, I believe it is. Chess variants is not a dead field. New Chess variants are being created all the time, and many are quite good and worthy of recognition. To stop adding to this list would be as ridiculous as getting rid of the Hugos, Nebulas, Emmies, Grammies, or Oscars. These awards don't pick out the long standing classics, for they are given to contempory works or artists, yet they are useful for helping people pick from a large field. The RCV award does the same thing. It helps people who are new to Chess variants find a game they are likely to enjoy, and there is no community of people in the world better qualified to build such a list than the members of this website. So, I conclude, such a list should exist, and we here are the most qualified group of people to make this list.</P>

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