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Comments by Javier Lizarzaburu

Roberto, En general no se necesita más de 30 segundos para entrar al Web de XYMYX. Estoy tratando de imaginar porque tienes porblemas ingresando. Cuentame cuales son las características de tu maquina y conexión. Saludos
Fabrice, I am quite curious about what you say. I started to investigate and I couldn’t find any real proof of the existence of synchronous chess before July 2002. As a matter of fact, there’s someone else who claims to be the inventor of synchronous chess. (http://www.hexenspiel.de/engl/synchronous-chess/) I don’t want to start a controversy about it. I opened an email account where you or anyone can send information that can proof the date of invention of the mentioned game: legal@xymyx.com I would like to explain the a couple of things about XYMYX: 1) There are no issues regarding simultaneity and the case when two pieces land in the same empty square. 2) About the feature of capturing your own pieces, I would like to explain that capturing a piece in a simultaneous move is really hard. For Example, let’s suppose that the black queen is in c6, you move white rook to C6 to try to capture the queen but the queen isn’t there anymore. With the possibility to capture your own pieces you can prepare yourself against an eventual attack of an aggressive piece. 3) About the Frozen Queen: With the simultaneity feature the aggressive pieces become more powerful, specially the Queen. If that rule didn’t exist, the game would be about who captures the opponent’s queen first.
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