Comments by fhou
Jean-Louis confirmed that the patch solved the moves for Snake, Rhino and Sorceress.
Camel, Marshall and Canon remain to investigate.
That's fine with me.
I'll initialize a western skin2d with your sprites for the mini shogi. I'll send you a zip and let you commit it to make sure you're happy with it. That'll give you time to work on the movements and the missing pieces (samurai) ... if you're up to it.
Jean-Louis tested here :
Here is a draft for a western 2d skin with your sprites (you can retrieve for local checking or I can commit it if you find it more convinient)
You can see it here for : shogi and mini-shogi (select 2d western first)
Note that we will probably create a 2nd pull request after the big pull request we are doing.
So it will probably be possible to fix some icons and to comment some cbMoveMidZ functions later.
sorry for the inconvenience, I'll check and update
I've updated the link with the returned black pieces. Feel free to make any changes you like directly.
For me it's acceptable to have temporarily the promotion dialog that displays the kanji even in western mode. As far as I'm concerned, it's still understandable. Maybe we'll find a solution soon. I'd prefer to be able to play with this skin for beginners right from the start.
Congratulations for the 3d samurai.
I remove Griffin.png
It is better to refactor Squirle to Squirrel.
I prefer Griffon, I don’t know what is the best word in english.
I renamed the glidder in Huscarl because it reminded me of the Scandinavians who had axemen (vikings). But Yes we can refactor to axe ou axeman.
I will start to refactor Squirrel and axe.
PS : Is it allowed for the jumping general to go to the black line? same level as the brouhaha squares?
You are right, I think that zanzibar-s is also concerned since it is a metamachide variant
After a test, I can confirm that it works.
Check the jumping general in minjiku when there nothing between him and the black line. Not sure it behaves as he should
I was wondering if He can go to the black line like here for instance
You want to add variants on a fork of lichess, right? I can‘t find
I commited the refactoring of 'Squirle', Griffin, Axe.
I've left the western 2d skin code so as not to lose it, but I've commented it out in the views in the index so as not to activate it.
The easier would probably to propose a variant in a contribution from a fork in the lichess project.
Thanks for sharing gitpod. I didn’t know it.
You can start on your fork with a good idea, demanding a small coding ambition. You can always improve your skill, learning by doing.
If you succeed in doing what you wanted, you can propose it to lichess. Otherwise, I'm not surprised that it's hard to convince the developers, who are no doubt in great demand.
For the moment, I'm interested in jocly, maybe in a few months I'll look at lichess but more with the idea of providing them with a contribution than making a permanent fork.
I looked at what I could do to help next. I noted that we could change the visuals for mortar (cannon2), phoenix and cobra in team mate.
I can also look for a trick to change skin for the promotion boxe on shogi.
Otherwise it could be on the doc. or testing cbPiecesFromFEN on 12x12 board. I've got a bit of time today. Let me know what you would consider usefull.
You could also start a new branch just copying sources from It would squash everything in one commit while retaining your authorship on your shogivars.
I can also rebase my trial branch if it helps. I used to do it before always and stopped because it became fastidious.
in the meantime I'm going to overide cbCreatePromo in shogi-views because the alternative skin seem a must have for me for shogi
When I had conflicts, I usually replaced them with the original source, as they were binary files most of the time, so as not to make you lose your changes, even if it meant deferring mine. I'm sorry if I've made any mistakes, I'm not a git expert. Anyway, we shouldn't have to modify the same files anymore. Concerning the carriage returns I don’t know where it comes from since I have edited on linux only. Note my trial branch should contain all what is published on your branch.
For the promotion box in shogi, It is possible to use the sprites associated to the selected 2d skin
we don't need to redefine cbCreatePromo in the views concerned, a modification in base-view.js is all that's needed
I copied the 3d files from the tiger, I thought they might be useful for the chu shogi.
How do you see the next step for jocly?
Do you think a first pull request could be made on Saturday even if some of some variants are commented in the index.js file?
That would give Michel a chance to have a look before he leaves and have a lot of your worked integrated in the master.
We could explain to them that a 2nd pull request will follow and that they need to wait for it before making a new jocly release. Tell me how you want to proceed.
OK I wait for your branch.
I made a branch shogivars on my side on which I squashed branch trial, Because you are right some conflicts were not properly marqued as resolved. In case it helps :
Note that on github you can squash everything during the pull request resulting in one commit compliant with the master.
Is it really too late? If it's the right solution, maybe we should take it now or in the next pull request.
Yes, I find this rhino better. But this addition shouldn't be a blocker. We could ask Jérôme to remake a rhino1 with a 3d model of Jean-louis afterwards.
Note that 2 branches are availables
1-fairySet exactly the same as pullreq for the 1st pull request
2-shogivars to send the rest 2 weeks after 1 is merged.
For me branch pullreq miss only : migration to gulp 4, and minor changes on index.js : thumb on werewolf/minjiku-shogi/makromachy or path for credits in shogis.
And possibly more documentation on certain new variants or visual changes (team-mate) with new pieces.
And we could therefore send them a pull request soon.
I can send a mail to give them more context anyway.
You probably have locally
They are not yet added to the branch
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I redeployed your change.
@Jean-Louis : do you have time to take a look?