💡📝Charles Gilman wrote on Sun, Jan 11, 2009 08:29 AM UTC:
It is true that many variants have produced one-off pieces beginning with O, but none were quite what I was looking for. Orphan might have worked, but at the time of writing it was off my radar - I only resorted to Joker out of desperation for a J. On the other hand Orphan has a strong resonance with Friend, and I was already using F for Foxhound as part of a larger family of pieces. Perhaps I could have had have an Orphan without a Friend based on the precedent of an Infanta without an Inquisitor. Hm, perhaps I'll add a subvariant with that, called Missing X Chess. It's probably not worth its own page.
Having one of each piece would have violated my idea for full use of 4 distinguishable FIDE sets on 4 FIDE boards.