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@Kevin, OK!
@ Aurelian
I hadn't realized there might be confusion over the stated rules for the Ship and Archer, or I might have gotten back to you sooner. The Ship in this game works likes a Cannon, but it can also move (and capture) like a Guard (aka Man, or Commoner). Similarly an Archer in this game works like a Vao, but it can also move (and capture) like a Guard. Thus, the Ship and Archer in this game are novel sorts of compound pieces, to my knowledge.
Note that recently the first ever game (to my knowledge) of Gamma2 Chess was played and finished. Also, I revised a previous comment (the part about my estimates for the piece values of the SH and AR).
For this game's 10x8 board I tentatively put X(Berolina Pawn)=1.05(or 1 approx.); N=3.38(or 3.25 approx.); B=3.75; R=5.5; SH(Ship)=6.2625(or 6.25 approx.); AR(Archer)=5.45(or 5.5 approx.); Q=R+B+P=10.25 and K's fighting value=3.2. The variant's name was inspired by it being a second attempt at a game with the special Ship and Archer piece types, which have powers including ones perhaps somewhat akin to the discharge of Gamma rays, and the variant's name was also inspired by there being 2 such pieces in total per side in the setup. Note that all the Berolina Pawns are protected in the setup.
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