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Knight. Makes a (1,2)-jump.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
HaruN Y wrote on Wed, Jun 5, 2024 11:20 PM UTC in reply to Fergus Duniho from 12:58 PM:

I edited my comment.

🕸📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Wed, Jun 5, 2024 12:58 PM UTC in reply to HaruN Y from 04:37 AM:

I suppose this is a list of names the knight is known by in different languages. While I recognize a few, I don’t know what language most of them are. Would you be able to supply that information too?

HaruN Y wrote on Wed, Jun 5, 2024 04:37 AM UTC:
{2,1} leaper/√5 leaper, A(not)KA:
Ruiter (Afrikaans)
Repuiteper (P-taal)
Kali (Albanian)
Kafalifi (Të folurit me f)
حصان (Arabic)
At (Azerbaijani)
Ձի (Armenian)
Zalduna (Basque)
вершнік (Taraškievica)
ঘোড়া (Bengali)
кон (Bulgarian)
пикон (Pileshki)
cavall (Catalan)
馬 (Chinese)
jezdec (Czech, Interslavic)
springer (Danish, German, Norwegian Bokmål)
spripingeper (P-language)
sospoprorinongogeror (Røversprog)
paard (Dutch)
pepaard (P-taal)
pokki 1 1 rokki dokki (Okki-taal)
knight (English)
ight-knay (Pig Latin)
night-kerb (Ferb Latin)
knaigight (Aigy Paigy)
knalfight (Alfa Balfa)
knobight (Ubbi Dubbi)
kitugnight (Gibberish)
knite (LOLcat)
knizzle (-izzle)
hiding rorse (Spoonerism)
kaknunigughashtut (Tutnese)
knoght (Uasi)
ʇɥƃıuʞ (ɥsᴉꞁᵷuƎ)
ĉevalo (Esperanto)
ratsu (Estonian, Finnish)
rat-pi-su (Pii-keel)
röätsöä (Ö-keel)
kotsu rantti (Kontinkieli)
cavalier (French)
lavaliercem (Louchébem)
cadagavadagalidigiedeguer (Jargon)
cavavavalavier (Javanais)
cavavavaliviever (Loght el V)
camavamalimiemer (Parler en me)
cabalo (Galician)
მხედარი (Georgian)
spribingeber (B-Language)
sprilevingelever (Löffelsprache)
ίππος (Greek)
ípkí posko (Korakistika)
घोड़ा (Hindi)
פרש (Hebrew)
Pa-Ba-Ra-Bash (Bet-Language)
jarumi (Hausa)
huszár (Hungarian)
lóvó (Madárnyelv)
lórgó (Madárnyelv)
koló (Kongarian)
riddari (Icelandic)
kavalo (Ido)
kuda (Indonesian)
kugudaga (Bahasa G)
kokada (Bahasa Oke)
konj (Interslavic, Serbo-Croatian)
ridire (Irish)
cavallo (Italian)
ca-FA-va-FA-llo-FO (Alfabeto farfallino)
ナイト (Japanese)
naibai tobo (Babigo)
jaran (Javanese)
ಕುದುರೆ (Kannada)
ат (Kazakh)
나이트 (Korean)
nasa isi teuseu (Gwisin Mal)
eques (Latin)
zirgs (Latvian)
zipirgs (Pupiņvaloda)
žirgas (Lithuanian)
xirma (Lojban)
Päerd (Luxembourgish)
коњ (Macedonian)
കുതിര (Malayalam)
घोडा (Marathi)
морь (Mongolian)
springar (Norwegian Nynorsk)
sospoprirnongogaror (Røverspråk)
ଘୋଡ଼ା (Odia)
namkabajaa (Oromo)
nasamkasabasajasaasa (Afan Sinbira)
اسب (Persian)
skoczek (Polish)
cavalo (Portuguese)
capavapalopô (Língua do Pê)
civili (Língua do "i")
cal (Romanian)
capal (păsărească)
calos (greaca vacească)
конь (Russian)
kokon' (Kirpichny yazyk)
ridir (Scottish Gaelic)
skakač (Serbo-Croatian, Slovene)
Mogale (Northern Sotho)
jazdec (Spanish)
skapakapač (papajščina)
caballo (Spanish)
cafabafallofo (Idioma F)
capabapallopo (Jeringonza)
lobalca (Vesre)
springare (Swedish)
ralliddare (Allspråket)
fiddare rikon (Fikonspråket)
riddiri (I-sprikit)
ripiddaparepe (P-language)
eriliddalarele (Pip-svenska)
roridoddodarore (Rövarspråket)
குதிரை (Tamil)
గుర్రం (Telugu)
ม้า (Thai)
at (Turkish)
agat (Kuş dili)
кінь (Ukrainian)
گھوڑا (Urdu)
mã (Vietnamese)
marchog (Welsh)

HaruN Y wrote on Fri, May 24, 2024 06:01 AM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★

Which direction should the Knights face OTB? Away from the player or leftward?

🕸📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Thu, Jun 25, 2020 11:43 PM UTC:

Tonight on Jeoprady, there was a question about what one-letter abbreviation, which is not K, is used for a Knight in Chess. I was surprised that no one at all got the correct answer. Someone who didn't choose the question jumped in with the answer L, which was wrong. Even if none of them knew Chess, simple phonics should have led someone to conclude that the answer is N.

Rodrigo Zanotelli wrote on Sun, Apr 6, 2014 06:04 PM UTC:
kuyan its possible to think about knight as a piece that moves to "the closest square to him, not on rook lines and bishop lines"

George Duke wrote on Wed, Sep 24, 2008 11:22 PM UTC:
I mean to change the estimates to about Knight 85%, Dabbabah 4%, Alfil 4%, Camel 4%, Zebra 1%, all others 2%. There is difficulty when many CVs are within large systems like in fact just-commented Michael Howe's Novo and Optima, my own Baseball(at CBM3) and 91.5 Trillion, and Betza's 30-40 large systems in individual articles, such as Different Augmented Knights. I believe ADK alone Betza claims has tens of thousands CVs; and others' ridiculously as many as 10^50. Practical standard leapers number five in 98% of cases, the NDACZ.

George Duke wrote on Sun, Sep 21, 2008 07:23 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
Jumper as piece-type. The greatest utility is thinking of sliders as special case of larger category multi-path (to be continued). Old-fashioned terms, when variants were more arcane field, are leaper, slider, rider, hopper, as in George Jeliss' ''All the King's Men.'' Old also twenty years now from 1990 are ''multi-path,'' and two-way; three-way or three-path came in 1992; four- and more 1996 for four-stepping Scorpion. In the oldest Glossary (Jeliss) is ''Darter'' for blockability along radial lines of Bishop and Rook. Darter would have to be piece-type unto itself but for newer convenience of ''Multi-path'' designation(t.b.c.) Then a decade ago, after all the foregoing, appears in CVPage glossary term lame equivalent to darter. Betza chose to use ''lame'' in two articles after 2000 for Dabbabah and possibly Alfil. Newest term of all is bifurcation piece for Winther's inventions, constituting new piece-type. Leapers of real utility only number five, Dabbabah, Alfil, Knight, Camel, Zebra. Of those Knight occurs over 95% of instances of leaper and all others 5%. Are there still other Leapers? Hardly any reduced to practice with much frequency. Lavieri's Altair's Grand Bishop compounds with what Jeliss calls (3,3) Tripper. Betza's Half-Duck is compound of what Gilman calls(0,3) Trebouchet + D. + Ferz. Does that exhaust Leapers in actual CVs outside the standard box of five (N,D,A,Camel,Z)? That's over 99% of the usages, NDACZ -- like perhaps 99% of openings exclude Rooks' Pawns. I know several dozen others (the 1%) no one would be interested in besides Gilman and myself. So, Leapers implemented are the smallest category of piece-type. On 8x8 theoretically would there be only the 63 simple leapers? Presumably that is the moot point, because only the five get, or likely to be, used. Leaper, headed by this Knight, predating Chess, is one conveninet category of piece-type, fully exhausted by five all of the above, as a practical matter.

Souen wrote on Wed, Sep 3, 2008 12:41 PM UTC:
In this page, you translate the French 'cavalier' as 'knight', but in fact, it means 'rider' or 'horseman' (the French for 'knight' would be 'chevalier'). The chess piece is indeed 'cavalier' in French.

Kuyan Judith wrote on Sun, Apr 13, 2008 08:24 AM UTC:
I have noticed some pages in this site (I forget which ones) described the 'hippagonals' as 'the lines halfway between diagonals and orthogonals'. They are not. The hippagonals are at inverse tangents of -2, -.5, .5 and 2 from forwards, which are at about 26.6 degrees from the orthogonals (18.4 degrees from the diagonals). The lines halfway between the diagonals and orthogonals are 22.5 degrees from each, and will not cross the centres of any squares no matter how big a board they are on.

Anonymous wrote on Tue, Jun 22, 2004 12:56 AM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★

Charles Gilman wrote on Sun, Jun 8, 2003 07:02 AM UTC:
By convention the piece in the hexagonal diagram is given the same name as that in the square one, but it is really very different, quite aside from py previuos comment that all hex pieces can lose the move. The square-board Knight is a root 5 leaper. Its move and multiples thereof are linked to the Camel (leap length root 10) by a rotation of 45º and ratio of root 2. The hex Knight is a root 7 leaper, which does not exist on square boards or even cubic 3d ones! Its move is linked to a root 21 leaper by a rotation of 30º and ratio of root 3.

Charles Gilman wrote on Sun, Apr 27, 2003 09:58 AM UTC:Good ★★★★
As this page shows the Knight's move on both square and hexagonal boards, it is worth noting how differently it plays on the two boards. As an elemental leaper it cannot 'lose the move' on a square (or square-based 3d) board - that is, it can only get to cells of a different colour in an odd number of moves, or the same colour in an even number of moves. On a hexagonal board it can return to its starting square in 3 moves as well as in 2, or an orthogonally adjacent on in 2 as well as in 3!

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