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The Central Squares. 3d chess variant where all three levels share their central squares. (3x(6x6), Cells: 100) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Jeremy Good wrote on Fri, May 5, 2006 12:10 PM UTC:
Okay! Now I get it! Thanks for the explanations! Now, I'll have to figure out how those pesky pawns move.

joaopedroneto wrote on Fri, May 5, 2006 07:17 AM UTC:
Joe, you are right about saying that the central sqs are simultaneous on all 3 levels. That's why the knight cannot move up and down on those central sqs. The only moves that the knight can do inside that area is move orthogonally then right/left/up or down: these are the combinations that provide the move range on the diagram.

Joe Joyce wrote on Thu, May 4, 2006 06:19 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
The basic idea of this game is excellent. The geometry of the board is
intriguing, and I'm impressed by the cleverness of fiting the board into
100 squares (for the 100 square contest). 
I, too, have a question on the knight's move, however, prompted by my
attempt at an answer to Jeremy's question. I figured this way:
 - the central squares are not 'really' on board B, they are 'really'
on boards A, B, and C, most likely simultaneously but apparently on any
level at will.
 - for the 'dabbabah' move to happen, the knight must move 1 'up' from
B to A on the central square on which it starts, then it 'turns 90' and
moves 2 across board A to the side, ending between the 2 moves made as if
the knight started on board A, move 2 to the side, then turned 90 and
moved 1 along the side. Or start the other way and do the same thing on
However, if that's correct, then the knight can be considered to be on
board C to start, move C to B to A on that same central square for the 2
square leg of its move, then turn 90 and move 1 square off the original
central square to end. And that would add 4 squares to the knight's move
in the diagram, the 2 light squares next to the lower left-hand corner of
the boards A and C central holes. So I may not understand this very well.

Anonymous wrote on Thu, May 4, 2006 05:02 PM UTC:
Okay! I think i've got everything except for the pawns. Which I don't
understand but haven't looked at too too closely.

And just one of the six knight diagrams, board B, in the second set. I
see how the knight could make the dababa-esque move in boards A and C
because that involves going one up or one down, but how from the Central
Square Board (Board B)?

joaopedroneto wrote on Thu, May 4, 2006 04:11 PM UTC:
To understand the knight move, you must think 3D. The L move of a chess knight can be (a) just orthogonal (eg, vertical then horizontal), (b) orthogonal then up/down, (c) up/down then orthogonal. That's why the knight has a lot more moves than expected.

The same happens with the Bishop (they can move diagonally up/down) or the Rook (they can move up/down besides orthogonally)

Jeremy Good wrote on Thu, May 4, 2006 03:45 PM UTC:
Thank you for responding, but I'm still bewildered by some of these movements. Why the dababa move for the knight? (As especially in the second set of diagrams for the knight) And why does the knight have a wazir move? (As in diagram for Board C in the first set of diagrams for the knights) Are they just arbitrary ideas or was their a logic behind it that I'm overlooking?

joaopedroneto wrote on Wed, May 3, 2006 08:18 AM UTC:
The basic idea is that those 3x3 central squares are shared by all board
levels, so a piece inside one of those squares can move as if it was in
any of those 3 boards. Eg, a Rook in d3 can move as it was in board A,
board B or board C. 

That's why the move capabilities inside the central squares provide much
more power to any piece there.

Jeremy Good wrote on Sun, Apr 30, 2006 10:16 AM UTC:
I don't understand how these pieces move. If anyone cares to try to expound on them, I'd be very pleased as I'm attempting to play such a game but suddenly feel totally lost. I don't see the logic behind the pieces' movement. I understand the central squares connection. What I don't understand is the bizarre 3-D movement capabilities. I think I might have rook and bishop down. I'm stuck on knight. Where does that dababah movement come from? And how does it get to move one square on board C in the first set of its diagrams?

💡📝João Neto wrote on Thu, Mar 20, 2003 12:51 PM UTC:
I made that game a long time ago (2-3 years) but I think that you could have a Queen just if you promote a pawn. In the setup, the Queen is too powerful on such small board.

Doug Chatham wrote on Thu, Mar 20, 2003 12:14 PM UTC:
Apparently, in this variant a Pawn can promote to Queen even though the initial setup has no Queens. I have a variant, <a href=''>Bachelor Chess</a>, with a similar situation.

Nicholas Kuschinski wrote on Thu, Mar 20, 2003 10:05 AM UTC:
You have provided rules for moving the queen,but your initial setup doesn't have any queens on it.

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