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People say normal torus dont work, because of the setup position. But on usual chess, the enemy piece is as far as possible from you. This not happen on normal chess setup with torus rules. An solution would be to have white on usual places, and black on 6 and 5 instead of 7 and 8. With this you would follow more the spirit of chess But then you would have an new problem, you have pawns that are some sort of wall, but on this variant you have this sort of wall on just one side.
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Are there any known sites for cylindrical or torus games. Does anybody have any collection of games of either? Is it possible to play e mail torus or cylindrical? Has anybody tried torus shogi? Anybody out there?
amazing! just saw this, seems an elegant solution fora variant on a torus. Gilman's comment is also out standing, and I wonder if there is more info on that variant as well.
I have seen a version where each army occupies three ranks in the pattern: P--PP--P RNBQKBNR P--PP--P with an empty rank between them on each side. Only Pawns start en prise, at most only twice, and they are all protected at least twice. Does anyone know any more details of that version e.g. promotion rules?
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