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As I've programmed the game for Zillions-of-Games, promotion is possible only when a Pawn reaches the last rank by capturing a piece.
I don't find any information about Pawn promotion in Wormhole Chess. Do Pawns promote on the last square they can reach, whatever the rank (for example if there are no squares anymore vertically in front of the Pawn, beyond the wormhole, nor diagonally where an opponent's piece could land)? Or do they only on the last rank, meaning that if a Pawn can't reach the 8th rank anymore, because of the disappearing of squares, he can't promote anymore?
This comment gives me the opportunity to rate this game as 'excellent'. Really great concept and gameplay. It would be great to have a larger variant of Wormhole Chess, 10x10 or even 12x12.
Another cool concept for a variant from Fergus.
I wish that there was a "Leaper Chess" with this board layout and pieces, but without the wormholes. That could be interesting.
The previous comment raises an interesting point, and I have copied it into this thread.

Is the position in the diagram shown really checkmate? Can't the white king escape the check with Kc3, or am I missing something?
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Thanks for the clarification about Pawn promotion.