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Atomic chess can also be played live on owl21.com although their version does not allow kings to be adjacent to each other. I think that FICS is better for live games (it has nicer graphics), although I have found that the wait time for an opponent tends to be longer for some reason.
I have read about a different variant of Atomic Chess in the book 'Alternatives Schach' by Lars Döring (german): After a capture, the capturing piece and all pieces on the squares orthogonally or diagonally adjacent to it are also removed, but with the exception of the kings. A king may capture without being removed, and is not removed when on a square adjacent to the capture. A move may never put the King of the moving side into attack, neither before nor after removing of pieces. So a king may never capture a defended piece, even if the defending piece would also be removed. In this variant, the initial advantage of white is much smaller.
how can iget out of atomic games.
the Atomic Chess you mentioned is different from this one . http://www.xare.net/chess/atomic/index.htm According to this page, it was presented to GICS by connex. This page has information about Vlasov's Atomic pgae and other links. The open Atomic Chess diary : http://virtual.parkland.edu/lblackburn/Atomic/atomic.html
Atomic Chess was granted a French Patent in 1949. It was intended that it would be played on a board of 12x12 and that the pawn would become an Atomic bomb instead of promoting to queen upon reaching the eighth rank. The king can be captured/destroyed in which case the next most valuable piece becomes the 'king'. Two additional pieces were intended to be used - tanks and aircraft! The aim of the game was to eliminate all the opponents pieces.
I created a preset and sent out an invitation to play atomic chess with an extra row of pawns over Game Courier.
I play atomic on Chess Live, formerly USCL. I can't stand ICC atomic because of the 'no-check' rule. FICS has much better players in atomic than Chess Live, but IMO the Chess Live interface is much better. And tom, in atomic white always has an advantage. Black just has to play to equalize, and then win. Having each side have two rows of pawns would compltely through off all the theory and study done by people like tipau and siggemannen. It would change the game completely. :)
Any idea about who invented that game ?
Yes, Atomic is best played at ICC, And I have found a site that is really cool. Its great for Atomic chess. Its <b><u>without a doubt</b></u> the best Atomic Chess site online http://k.domaindlx.com/SonicBomb/Home%20Page.html
Atomic chess is best played at FICS IMO, also ICC and the other chess servers have atomic. Note that for example ICC has no check, and is thus not really the same. Maybe you should add to the rules that: you may explode your opponents king when in check/'checkmate'. For another great site on atomic: http://www.xare.net/chess/atomic/. it has also links to other sites...
Years before I heard of this Atomic Chess, I knew of another game by the same name: a 12x12 variant with Tanks and Aircraft, where Atomic Bombs only appeared as a result of Pawn promotion. It dated to the late 1940s (I think) and was patented in France. It doesn't seem that anyone here has heard of this variant.
i play a lot of atomic chess at schemingmind.com and have decided that white knights are too powerful. how about giving each player 2 rows of pawns? this will make it harder for knights to start, and also harder to break through the opponents defences.

This is another chess variant which can be played online on <a href=http://BrainKing.com>BrainKing.com</a>. It belongs to the most popular chess games on that site.
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