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SELECT * FROM `Item` LEFT JOIN `IndexEntry` USING (ItemID) WHERE `IsHidden` = 0 AND `Item`.`IsDeleted` = 0 AND `Language` = 'English' AND `LinkText` LIKE 'St%' ORDER BY `LinkText`, `Item`.`Summary` ASC LIMIT 500 OFFSET 0
- ST3DRoth. Charlie Roth's Revision of Star Trek 3D Chess. Author: Fergus Duniho. Inventor: Charles Roth and Andrew Bartmess.
- Stability Chess. Designed to minimize the first-move advantage by white, maximize fairness, and simplify the rules of chess. Author: Larry L. Smith. Inventor: Various.
- Stack Chess. Pieces are stacks of chips. (10x10, Cells: 100) By Doug Chatham.
- Stacked-Copying Shogi. Missing description (9x9, Cells: 81) By (zzo38) A. Black.
- Stahlberg Chess. Regular pieces plus a Swedish Cannon and a Chancellor, which are dropped onto the board (with zrf). By M Winther.
- Stairchess. Chess on a ladder-alike tilted board. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Max Koval.
- Stalemate chess. Missing description (8x8, Cells: 64) By Daniil Frolov.
- Stallmate Chess. Both players win or both players loose. (8x8, Cells: 64) By punkus martyrus.
- Stan Goldovski. In Memoriam. Author: Henry Bird.
- Standoff Chess. A threat to capture the opponent's King does not give check if it opens one's own King to immediate recapture. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Robert Shimmin.
- Stanley Random Chess . Missing description Author: Fergus Duniho. Inventor: Austin Lockwood.
- Star Chess. 3d-chess variant on two round levels. (Link.).
- Star of David 2 Level Hex Chess. An AOF offshoot on two side-10 triangles opposite ways round. (2x(), Cells: 110) By Charles Gilman.
- Star Pool Chess. Large variant of Makruk, with a center non-square that acts as a bridge. By Tony Quintanilla and Peter Aronson.
- Star Pool Chess . Large variant of Makruk, with a center non-square that acts as a bridge. Author: Peter Aronson. Inventor: Peter Aronson and Tony Quintanilla.
- Star Pool Chess. Large variant of Makruk, with a center non-square that acts as a bridge. (Cells: 84) Author: Tony Quintanilla. Inventor: Peter Aronson and Tony Quintanilla.
- Star Pool Chess Zillions Saved Game . Download this file to see a saved game. By Tony Quintanilla and Peter Aronson.
- Star Trek 3D Chess for Tournaments. A variation of Star Trek 3D Chess designed for tournament play. Author: Fergus Duniho. Inventor: Jens Meder and Andrew Bartmess.
- The Starbound Sliders. A Chess With Different Armies team featuring rook-inspired sliders. By Andrew L Smith.
- Start-Again Chess I. Each unit may return to its original square if. Author: Ed Friedlander.
- Start-Again Chess II. Each unit may return to its original square if. Author: Ed Friedlander.
- Startchess.com . Chess search engine.
- Static Chess. Take turns placing a unit so that none attacks another. Author: Ed Friedlander.
- Stationary King Chess . Kings can't move. Author: Uwe Wiedemann.
- Stations . Missing description By Larry L. Smith.
- Stations. Missing description (9x5, Cells: 61) By Larry L. Smith.
- Statistics for 3-piece piece Hexagonal Chess. Endgame statistics. By Dave McCooey.
- Stealth Chess. Commercial game with elements from Chess and from Stratego. (8x8, Cells: 64) Author: Mark Thompson. Inventor: Dice Corporation.
- Stealth Chess. You must guess which opponent unit is which. Author: Ed Friedlander.
- Stealth Ninja Chess . Dynamic but balanced game with short-range leapers, and unusual sliding pieces: the Stealth Gryphon and Anti-Gryphon. By Charles Daniel.
- Stealth Ninja Chess. Features a Drop Zone and diverse pieces such as Ninja Guards, Ninja Warriors, Stealth Gryphon, Anti-Gryphon, and Ninja Pawns. By Charles Daniel.
- Stealth Ninja Chess. Chess with two pairs of linear short-range leapers, and drop zone to add the Stealth Gryphon, Anti-Gryphon and Ninja Pawns. (10x10, Cells: 104) By Charles Daniel.
- Steeple Chess . Crossover between race game and chess.
- Steffan O' Sullivan's Three-players Chess. Three player chess variant on a board with 58 squares. By Steffan O'Sullivan.
- Stelliform 6 player Chess. Stellisch from Wellisch, Stellicorn from Revergent, and Stellgi and Hexgi. (17x17, Cells: 121) By Charles Gilman.
- Steno-Chess. A variation on retrograde analysis. By Éric Angelini.
- Step and Circle TrigChess. Presentation of a short example game. By Graeme C Neatham.
- Step and Circle TrigChess . contains rules file with 2 boards and 2 piece sets. By Graeme C Neatham.
- Step and Circle TrigChess. Trigonal entry for the 45 or 46 cell 2007 design contest. (9x6, Cells: 46) By Graeme C Neatham.
- Step by Step Handicap Chess . Missing description By Namik Zade.
- Stepping-stones of Chess. A Book by Shaye-Alexander Ellis Nicholls of Merridonia. By Glenn Nicholls.
- Steps Chess. Board looking like steps of many stairs.
- Stereo Chess. 8 by 8 board with four 4 by 4 boards stacked on top of it. (4x(), Cells: 128) Author: Hans L. Bodlaender. Inventor: Gerhard W. Jensch.
- Stevenson's Four-Player Chess. A game for two 2-player teams on a regular Chess board with the object of capturing all opposing pieces. By Jake Stevenson.
- Steward. Omnidirectional Pawn. Author: Bn Em. Inventor: Philip Marinelli and John William Brown.
- Steward Chess. Kings are able to "crown" pieces, giving them extra moves. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Adrian Alvarez de la Campa.
- Stheno Chess. Introducing the repulsive Stheno, which repels pieces as far as possible in the alignment direction (zrf available). By M Winther.
- Sting . A game where Kings can move like Grasshoppers in addition to their normal move. Author: Uwe Wiedemann.
- Sting. A game where Kings can move like Grasshoppers in addition to their normal move. (8x8, Cells: 64) Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
- Stock Goes East 25 files. Stockschach-style analogues to Shogi, Xiang Qi, and offshoots. (5x(5x9), Cells: 225) By Charles Gilman.
- Stock Goes East 49 files. Stockschach-style analogues to Shogi, Xiang Qi, and offshoots. (7x(7x9), Cells: 441) By Charles Gilman.
- Stockschach. 3d game with "stock" 3d analogues to FIDE pieces. (6x(6x6), Cells: 216) By Charles Gilman.
- Stoltz Chess. Regular pieces plus a Swedish Cannon and an Archbishop, which are dropped onto the board (with zrf). By M Winther.
- Stone Garden Chess. The animal statues in the stone garden came to life and attacked the two rival kings! With the help of a policeman each, they…. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Lev Grigoriev.
- Stone's Chess. Chess variant with the addition of two Archbishops. (10x8, Cells: 80) By rhett applestone.
- Stones and Relays. Pieces get to re-originate from neutral relay squares they attack. Author: Jeremy Gabriel Good. Inventor: Jim Aikin.
- Stones and Relays. An extended version of Eight-Stone Chess. (8x9, Cells: 72) By Jim Aikin.
- Storm the Ivory Tower . Play this Smess adaptation of Chinese Chess with Zillions of Games. By Fergus Duniho.
- Storm the Ivory Tower. Play this Smess adaptation of Chinese Chess by email. By Fergus Duniho.
- Storm the Ivory Tower. A Smess adaptation of Chinese Chess. (9x10, Cells: 90) By Fergus Duniho.
- Straights. Chess-like Naval Battle game from the end of the 19th Century. (9x11, Cells: 81) Author: John Reece. Inventor: Anne Marriot Watson.
- Straights . Chess-like Naval Battle game from the end of the 19th Century. Author: Young-Hyun Joo. Inventor: Anne Marriot Watson.
- Strand. Three dimensional game with pawns and kings that move along straight lines and must remain adjacent. (4x(4x4), Cells: 64) By Mike Cosgriff.
- Strange Chess. A large (12x12) chess variant. (12x12, Cells: 144) By Mark Hedden.
- StrataChess v1.0. separate Strategic and Tactical gameplay. 2-6 players. Element of Chance. Terrain. Build your own armies. By Prussia General.
- Strate-Go Chess. Missing description (8x8, Cells: 64) By John Kipling Lewis.
- Strategems. Chess problem magazine. Author: Ben Good.
- StrateGems . Chess problem magazine. Author: Ben Good.
- StrategiChess . Large multi-player, multi-board chess variant. (14x14, Cells: 196) By Alan Cartwright.
- StrategiChess II . Large, multi-player, mult-board variant with new piece types. (14x14, Cells: 196) By Alan Cartwright.
- Strategy for Losing Chess . Website with strategic tips for Giveaway chess.
- Strato Chess. Information (no rules) about a quarter-century old three dimensional chess variant. (3x(8x8), Cells: 192) Author: Jonathan Alden and Mark Hummel.
- Stratomic. Decimal variant with a nuclear missile piece. (10x10, Cells: 100) Author: Jean-Louis Cazaux. Inventor: Robert Montay-Marsais.
- Stratomic Chess. Tactical nuclear missiles may be deployed after a piece is captured. Author: Ed Friedlander.
- String Chess. A one-dimensional variant with a fairy theme. Author: Mathew M. Burke. Inventor: Aaron Hall.
- String Chess. A one-dimensional variant with a fairy theme. (1x24, Cells: 24) By Aaron Hall.
- Strong Pawn Chess. Pawns move in a similar fashion to the pieces they start in front of. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Este.
- Strong Pawns Chess. Pawns move and promote as minor versions of the pieces they represent. Author: Ed Friedlander.
- Strong Yang. Another way of applying the Nearlydouble principle to a variant with Cannons. (13x13, Cells: 169) By Charles Gilman.
- Stuck in the Middle with You. 3 Different Boards and 3 Different Armies! By Jeremy Gabriel Good.
- Stupid. A cross variant between Ultima and orthodox chess. (8x8, Cells: 64) Inventor: Paul Monckton.
- Stupidhouse. Variant of Double Bughouse or Tandem Chess where partners have the same color. (2x(8x8), Cells: 128) Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
- Stylish victory or stylish fail. Missing description (8x8, Cells: 64) By Daniil Frolov.
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