Inventors Starting with M
- Dr. Ferdinand Maack [info]
Raumschach. The classical variant of three-dimensional chess: 5 by 5 by 5. (5x(5x5), Cells: 125) (Recognized!)
Raumschach. Play this 3D variant from the early 20th century on Jocly.
Raumschach. "... (German for Space Chess) is one of the first three-dimensional chess variants and the first to survive until present"., more...
- Frank MacCrory [info]
Horseman's Chess. Game where pieces mount and dismount.
- Daniel Macdonald [info]
Omega Chess. Rules for commercial chess variant on board with 104 squares. (12x12, Cells: 104) (Recognized!)
Omega Chess. Commercial chess variant on board with 104 squares.
Omega Chess. Commercial chess variant on board with 104 squares., more...
- Alexander Mach [info]
Tank Chess. Upgrade your tank to defeat others.
- N. Maddox [info]
Cross Chess. Game played on a cross-shaped board. (Cells: 64)
- Joshua Madovoy [info]
Link to: W.A.R.P.S.. Chess variant on round board with new pieces.
- Bernard C. Maerz [info]
BCMGames. A versatile and customizable Shogi program.
- P. D. Magnus [info]
Chameleon Chess (42). Each player has a King and 11 Chameleons whose moves are determined by the type of square they are on. (6x7, Cells: 42)
Chameleon Chess
. Each player has a King and 11 Chameleons whose moves are determined by the type of square they are on.
- David A. Mahan [info]
Chess Jester. 4-player variant with two new pieces.
- Anton Makarenko [info]
Makarenko's Chess. Pieces are stacks which can be split and combined to create other pieces.
- Vitya Makov [info]
Cardinal Chess. Just like orthodox Western "Mad Queen" Chess only substituting knight-bishop compound for Mad Queen. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Different Pawns Random Chess. Missing description
Maorider Chess. Maorider and king with unusual recruiting abilities. (8x9, Cells: 72) , more...
- Jeff Mallett [info]
Mallett Chess. Play this small variant known in Zillions as Knights vs Bishops 5x4 on Jocly.
Zillions of Games 2.0.1 Released. Missing description
Zillions of Games. It can play an endless variety of abstract board games, and we have a large collection of Chess variants you can play on it.
- Alex Malphrus [info]
Mitosis Chess. Each captured major piece in this game returns to the board as the two or three pieces it originally consisted of. (9x9, Cells: 81)
- Omega Man [info]
Optimized Chess - 8H x 10W. Missing description
- Robbie Manson [info]
Bluff Chess. Players moving their pieces into danger may risk losing the game. (8x8, Cells: 64)
- Philip Marinelli [info]
Marinelli's three-handed chess, or Triple Chess. Historic chess variant for three players. (Cells: 136)
Steward. Omnidirectional Pawn.
- George Marino [info]
Pentaplane. On a 5 by 5 by 5 board with various new pieces. (5x(5x5), Cells: 125)
Timeline. Pieces travel through time on four 4 x 4 x 4 boards. (4x(4x(4x4)), Cells: 256)
Timeline. Pieces travel through time on four 4 x 4 x 4 boards.
- Kalle Marjola [info]
ChessWar. Strategic game played with chess pieces.
- Kevin Maroney [info]
Hecatomb. Each player has 31 queens and one king. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Hecatomb Chess. One king and 31 queens on each side.
- Armando Hernandez Marroquin [info]
Chess font: Chess Mark
. True type chess font with stylized figures.
Chess font: Chess Marroquin
. True type chess font.
Chess font: Chess Merida
. True type chess font with classic design., more...
- Carlos Martin-Fuertes [info]
Diplomat Chess. Round-board variant with a Diplomat to suborn opponents. (Cells: 43)
Diplomat Chess
. Round-board variant with a Diplomat to suborn opponents.
- Mitch Martin [info]
Edge Chess. Pieces can stand on the edges of squares.
Edge Chess
. Pieces can stand on the edges of squares.
- Kutasi Márton [info]
Cold War Chess. A long and very challanging game against all odds.
- punkus martyrus [info]
Stallmate Chess. Both players win or both players loose. (8x8, Cells: 64)
- Francisco Marzoa [info]
Skandaran Chess.
Large variant with 32 pieces per side. (12x12, Cells: 144)
Skandaran Chess. Download Skandaran Chess at Zillions Website.
- Robert J. Mate Jr. [info]
Duggan's Fantasy Chess Variant. A variant which makes the game more `playable`.
- Richmond Mathewson [info]
Mathewson's Hexagonal Chess. Glinski Hexagonal chess, but with different layout.
- Dennis Matthews [info]
Three Player Chess. On a large (217 hexagon) board.
- Alan Mattlage [info]
Circular Chess. Unique circular board. Sells boards, pieces, and software.
- Martin Mattlage [info]
Circular Chess. Unique circular board. Sells boards, pieces, and software.
- Frank Maus [info]
Allthought Chess. Variant of Thinktank Chess with Berolina Pawns. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Cavalry Chess. A once popular variant from the 1920's where every piece has additional jumping moves. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Thinktank Chess. Frank Maus' game where most pieces move differently when capturing from how they move without capturing., more...
- Andy Maxson [info]
ancient chess. a antidevelopment of chess. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chogi. A step further further to shogi from chess. (8x8, Cells: 64)
The crushing conquerers. another experimental chess with different armies army. (8x8, Cells: 64) , more...
- Jared B. McComb [info]
Border Wars. Game played on the 42 edges of a grid, with elements of Shogi and XiangQi. (Cells: 42)
Border Wars II. Game played on line edges with Shogi-like aspects. (Cells: 44)
Chestria. Each player has 11 randomly selected pieces in this game of placement and flipping. (3x(5x5), Cells: 43) , more...
- Dave McCooey [info]
Hexagonal chess. Chess on a board, made out of hexes. Variant of Dave McCooey. (Cells: 91) (Recognized!)
Mini HexChess. Small hexagonal chess variant. (Cells: 37)
McCooey's Hexagonal Chess. Popular hexagonal variant., more...
- Nathan McDonald [info]
Vyrémorn Chess. Large variant on two overlapping square boards. (Cells: 132)
Vyr. Photo's of large chess variant.
Vyremorn Chess
. Large variant on two overlapping square boards.
- Seth McGinnis [info]
Robber-Baron. Which of the seven robbers is the robber-baron? (7x7, Cells: 39)
Schizochess. Halves of the chessboards get swapped every five moves.
Robber Baron
. Which of the seven robbers is the robber-baron?
- Key McKinnis [info]
Drop Chess. Players can select from nine chess armies on an 8x8 or 9x9 board. (9x9, Cells: 81)
- John McMahon [info]
Hibernian Chess. Celtic Chess x Brannumh. (14x14, Cells: 196)
- Kevin McPartland [info]
Goal Box Chess. Game on 42 squares with no King and the goal of placing pieces into 2 special squares. (5x8, Cells: 42)
Goal Box Chess
. Game on 42 squares with no King and the goal of placing pieces into 2 special squares.
- J. W. Meares [info]
Meares's Proposal. Bishops can also move and capture one square orthogonally.
- Jens Meder [info]
Star Trek 3D Chess for Tournaments. A variation of Star Trek 3D Chess designed for tournament play.
- Djafer Medjahed [info]
SUCCHESS. Missing description (10x10, Cells: 100)
- Bert Meerman [info]
Multi-chess. Chess variants for three or four players.
- Marve Meirovitz [info]
Creative Chess. Load your own units as you like.
- Zhedric Meneses [info]
16Chess. Game with 4 royal pieces.
A Royal and His Pet. Missing description
- German A. Mentz [info]
Cuban Chess. 10x10 variant from Havana with Vampire Bats that move as King, Knight or Zebra.
Cuban Chaturang. 10x10 variant from Havana with Vampire Bats that move as King, Knight or Zebra.
- Dennis Merritt [info]
Dark Chess variants. Possible other rules for Dark(ness) Chess. (8x8, Cells: 64)
- Clifford Merry [info]
Zip Chess
. After the first move, Pawns can advance any distance.
- M. El M. Messaoudi [info]
FlipChess. Chess variant in which pieces keep changing state.
- Neal Meyer [info]
Magi. On 10 by 10 board with new pieces and different outcome rules. (10x10, Cells: 100)
Magi - A Chess Variant. Variant on 10 by 10 board with new pieces. (10x10, Cells: 100)
. Variant on 10 by 10 board with new pieces.
- Joe Miccio [info]
Quick Chess. Chess on a 5 by 6 board. (5x6, Cells: 30)
- Peter Michaelsen [info]
Cannon Shogi and Cannon Chess. Played on a 9x9 Shogi board, feature various types of 'Cannon' pieces. (9x9, Cells: 81)
Cannon Chess
. Played on a 9x9 Shogi board, feature various types of 'Cannon' pieces.
Cannon Shogi
. Played on a 9x9 Shogi board, feature various types of 'Cannon' pieces.
- Ruggero Micheleto [info]
Ultra Chess. On 10 by 10 board with two queens, and major pieces have an additional king's move. (10x10, Cells: 100)
Ultra Chess. On 10 by 10 board with two queens, and major pieces have an additional king's move.
- R. P. Michell [info]
Michell's Proposal. Pawns may underpromote on next-to-last rank.
- Jack Middleman [info]
Fianchetto Chess. Rooks and bishops switched in opening setup. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Fianchetto Chess. Bishops and Rooks exchange starting squares.
Fianchetto Chess
. Rooks and bishops switched in opening setup.
- Hans Mikelson [info]
Triss. Hexagonal chess variant for three players. (Cells: 102)
- Don Miller [info]
Spherical chess. Sides of the board are considered to be connected to form a sphere. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Play Miller's Spherical Chess on Game Courier. Play this early adaptation of Chess to a spherical board on Game Courier.
- Jeff Miller [info]
Una-schaak (Unachess). Beginnend met een leeg bord zetten spelers om beurten een nieuw stuk op, of doen een gewone zet (Dutch Language)
Unachess. Start with empty board and begin with dropping pieces. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Unachess. Add your units when and where you choose.
- Leigh Miller [info]
Cross Chess. Game played on a cross-shaped board. (Cells: 64)
Cross Chess. Popular in Australia.
Cross Chess
. Game played on a cross-shaped board.
- Martin Miller [info]
Balad. The way figures can move is dynamic, determined by their 'powers'.
- Bruce Mills [info]
Diamond Chess (40). Chess variant on diamond shaped board with 40 squares. (Cells: 40)
Diamond Chess
. Chess variant on diamond shaped board with 40 squares.
- Ota Mitsuyasu [info]
Yonin Shogi. 4-handed Shogi variant. (9x9, Cells: 81)
- Torben Mogensen [info]
Hex39. Hexagonal chess variant on small board with simple rules. (Cells: 39)
Hex 39
. Hexagonal chess variant on small board with simple rules.
- Paul Monckton [info]
Stupid. A cross variant between Ultima and orthodox chess. (8x8, Cells: 64)
- A. W. Mongredien [info]
A Cylinder chess puzzle - 2. Missing description
- Tarun Moni [info]
Suffocation Chess. FIDE setup with new capture. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Suffocation Chess. FIDE setup with new capture.
- Pierre Monréal [info]
Circe Chess. Captured pieces return to their original square. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Circe schaak. Geslagen stukken komen weer op hun beginpositie (Dutch Language)
Circe Chess. Classic variant in which pieces are returned to their squares of origin if possible.
- John Montagna [info]
Superchess. Pieces can be put on top of rooks and moved with them. (8x8, Cells: 64)
- Robert Montay-Marsais [info]
Stratomic. Decimal variant with a nuclear missile piece. (10x10, Cells: 100)
- Matthew Montchalin [info]
Knight-Pawn Chess. Elegant chess game with knight-pawns that can move as pawns midway up the board if they find themselves behind it.
- Alberto Monteiro [info]
4 x 4 x 8 Tri-dimensional Chess. Missing description (4x(4x8), Cells: 128)
Chess in a Klein bottle. 8 by 14 board with sides glued together. (8x14, Cells: 112)
Chess in a Moebius Strip. 8 by 14 board with sides glued together. (8x14, Cells: 112) , more...
- Mariano Moran [info]
Olden-RoyalChess. A 12x12 game with many compounds plus new pawn types.
- Andrea Mori [info]
Small Spherical Chess. Board of form of sphere, with 38 squares. (Cells: 38)
- F V Morley [info]
Morley's Chess. Boards with enlarged sides.
- Joshua Morris [info]
Kozune. Missing description (9x9, Cells: 81)
Phi Chess. Large variant variant inspired by the golden ratio, Phi. (13x8, Cells: 104)
Phi Chess with Different Armies. Missing description (13x8, Cells: 104) , more...
- M. K. Morrison [info]
Big Battle. Large (10x10), commercial variant.
Big Battle. Commercial chess variant on 10 by 10 board. (10x10, Cells: 100)
Big Battle
. Large (10x10), commercial variant.
- Derek Mota [info]
Crown Prince Chess. One Knight on each side is replaced by a Crown Prince. (8x8, Cells: 64)
- Paul Movak [info]
Dice Chess V. If you cannot move the unit shown on the six-sided die,.
- Shir Muhammad [info]
Hyderabad Decimal Chess. Play this historic decimal variant on Jocly.
- Patrick Mulcahy [info]
RPGchess: Combines chess with Role Playing Game rules. Combines chess with Role Playing Game rules.
- Patrick K. Mullen [info]
Chessex. Hexagonal chess variant for two or three players. (Cells: 169)
- H. G. Muller [info]
Betza notation (extended). The powerful XBetza extension to Betza's funny notation.
Diagram Editor with scalable graphics. An easy-to-use tool for drawing boards and pieces of any size and color.
Cashew Shogi. Many pieces must promote on capture, and some can multi-capture. (13x13, Cells: 169) , more...
- Hans Multhopp [info]
Checkers Chess. Pieces move initially only forwards. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Damschaak (checkers chess). Stukken mogen alleen vooruit, totdat ze op de achterste rij geweest zijn (Dutch Language)
Checkers Chess. Pieces may not move backwards until they have visited the.
- Alexandre Muñiz [info]
Beryl Chess. Variant on board of 39 triangles. (Cells: 39)
Chromopolis. `Almost' colorbound pieces on a cylindrical board of 40 squares. (7x6, Cells: 40)
Diffusion Chess. Pieces start out in groups and must continually break apart into smaller groups. Played on a GO board. (19x19, Cells: 361) , more...
- Randall Munroe [info]
Infinite Armada Chess. Chess with an infinite armada of queens behind the FIDE pieces. ()
- Aidan Murphy [info]
Carbery. game for fantasy thing.
- H.J.R. Murray [info]
Murray Lion. Jumps two orthogonally or diagonally or captures on neighboring square.